T-shirt: “I am not short! I am compact and ridiculously adorable!” 😁

We actually thought about getting that t-shirt for our grandniece. But now that she can read, it would probably go to her head.

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Haha! I bet she’s a cutie.

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Maybe Snap, Crackle, and Pop are related to the Keebler Elves. Pop is perfect!

DJ is a magnificent magician. I cannot figure out how that bill got into the bag you were holding. It was...MAGICAL.

I was thrilled to hear DJ was able to get you curious about planning. I have a sneaking suspicion planning is going to be transformational. A bit like making a Bear-kerchief turn into a GB-kerchief right before your eyes.

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I’m excited to start filling in the goal sheets. And since tomorrow is my last day of radiation, I will have an almost empty calendar to go forth with scheduling. 👍🏻

You are a true football fan!

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My first thought was “Pop goes the weasel.” No; surely dated. But then I remembered what we folks in western PA called soft drinks. “Pop.” Then again, Jack H most likely thinks “Soda.” He may be musing, “Ever heard of a Pop Fountain?”

So, Gail, you have (or soon will have) a Master Plan for Planning? Awesome! Pulled from the thin air of the Plan Averse? Do I detect a double entendre in “plan averse?”

You find amazing people without batting an eye. Does DJ Ehlert do A/V tech as his “regular” business and the “Pop” activity as a stand alone business? I couldn’t peek at Pop because of password protection. No free tours, huh?

So I eagerly await your transformation! Just the same, if you lack necessary planfulness, I’m a train wreck! All the very best in planning your own capture. 😬

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If there’s a Freudian slip in “plan averse” I’m not seeing it. 🤔

DJ has had many businesses… a serial entrepreneur. He learned a lot about AV from his magic presentations… at least that’s what I inferred.

He gives the password on the Home Screen if you want to try again. 😊

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My comment was from my thinking you just admitted you are plan averse - “having a strong dislike of or opposition to.” Of course that isn’t likely from all you juggle.

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All this presence-ing... my days flow by like Heraclitus' river. 🤷🏻‍♀️ The thought of installing a dam freaks me out!

I DO like the exercise of writing out my goals though!

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You might imagine that you are building a beaver dam, lodge and all! Which will then serve as your storehouse for book creating!😊 A River Runs Through It.

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Thank you for painting a picture that quells my 'freak-out'!

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Gary, I had a college roommate from NC. Apparently in The South, they refer to all soda pop [see, split the difference there!] as "coke" — as in, "What kind of coke do you want?" Since this was the 1970s and we had not yet been blesses with Diet Coke, etc., this question made no sense at all to my poor untravelled Midwestern ears.

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