Tears of laughter rolled down Thalia’s rosy cheeks. “Looks like the Keebler elf if you ask me!”
Urania harrumphed. “Will Paintist ever learn?! Sketch paper does not hold up to watercolor paint.”
“In her defense…” Calliope worried a brush between her thumb and index fingers, “… she intended to use colored pencils, but then decided… well… they didn’t offer enough… POP!” The Muse of Harmony started to giggle as if she’d just been doused with milk.
Typist did her best to stifle a snort.
“Tangle of elves,” Urania sighed. “I’m stuck in a tangle of mischievous elves.”
Words from Typist:
Meet DJ Ehlert…
a magician who can shred and mend a newspaper before your very eyes,
an audio/visual tech whose motto is BE PREPARED,
and… an all-around kind, funny, and generous human being who wants to help YOU bring your dreams to life.
As you might know, Urania often fights an uphill battle to get things done.
Cal, Tal, and Typist foil her at every turn.
Can the magician pictured above pull a plan out of the plan averse?
Ladies and Gentleman… By week’s end I commit to assemble a Portfolio of Power — complete with goals and a daily schedule. (Gulp!)
This is where Ralph Waldo whispers “All of life is an experiment!”
I encourage you to investigate DJ’s POP website.
Connect with him if you are inspired.
His personal plan makes everything seem possible… from creating a strong family to fitness goals, building a hobby to starting a business adventure.
And if you’re curious about magic… 🪄🎩… abracadabra!
T-shirt: “I am not short! I am compact and ridiculously adorable!” 😁
We actually thought about getting that t-shirt for our grandniece. But now that she can read, it would probably go to her head.
Maybe Snap, Crackle, and Pop are related to the Keebler Elves. Pop is perfect!
DJ is a magnificent magician. I cannot figure out how that bill got into the bag you were holding. It was...MAGICAL.
I was thrilled to hear DJ was able to get you curious about planning. I have a sneaking suspicion planning is going to be transformational. A bit like making a Bear-kerchief turn into a GB-kerchief right before your eyes.