Surely he will. The fires of creativity and humanity constantly informing your life can’t go unnoticed. To the benefit of you both. Besides, I see you preparing insalata caprese! Maybe a warm, crusty baguette from the oven. Accompanied by a glass of “nose-y” chianti. 🤷🏽
Good memory!
I have taken no responsibility for the tomato plant, nor the veggie garden “down below”. Greg’s got them in his hands.
Why am I thinking of the Little Red Hen?! I hope he lets me have some. 😂
Surely he will. The fires of creativity and humanity constantly informing your life can’t go unnoticed. To the benefit of you both. Besides, I see you preparing insalata caprese! Maybe a warm, crusty baguette from the oven. Accompanied by a glass of “nose-y” chianti. 🤷🏽