Today I'm standing in front of the PX on Fort Leonard Wood, MO, asking people for donations for Special Olympics and children with developmental disabilities. I'm grateful for life!

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Hi Monty! Thank you for your efforts to support Special Olympics! My brother and sister-in-law helped out at SO events for many years — from their stories, it seemed they received as much as the gave. 🔃

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Button: “Be careful when following the masses — sometimes the ‘m’ is silent.” 😁

After reading Karen's comment, I was going to post a dumb pun, but apparently I'm out. ☹️

Time to go catalog diving... 😈

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silent "m" 🤣 Love that one!

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See what I mean, Gail?

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Thank you for proving my point, Jack.

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Cow are you? Someone's been spending too much time around Jack Herlocker. 🤣

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*sharp intake of breath*

Now that you mention it… I DID read two of Jack’s Conversations with my Wife this morning before writing 3mm. 😂


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Phenomenal Quote!

“Presence is not some exotic state that we need to search for or manufacture. In the simplest terms, it is the felt sense of wakefulness, openness, and tenderness that arises when we are fully here and now with our experience.”

~Tara Brach

Where do the girls get their stuff... Love that cow! 🐄

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How we got from a cow sketch to Santa is a mystery! 😂

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I found today’s blog and responses moo-ving! Verging on Unbearable Lightness of Being? 🙃 The day offered a chance to hear two folks share their joy over what’s transpiring in their lives. One, a friend of my wife, was excited to share details of an upcoming move. She described the freedom from parting ways with furniture and belongings as she moves to a fully furnished condo. Recognizing the wisdom of donating objects that harbored memories, but had seen no use in years, felt like a load lifted. Unnecessary ballast?

The second was my daughter

-in-law saying she has begun studies to become a dental hygienist. She had adopted criticism from her parents as a child and turned that into negative self talk. With a 4.0 so far. And taking classes long after graduating high school. And being a stay at home mom and homemaker. While we discussed study strategies and what has felt like success to her, my praising her for what she has taken on lit up her face! No “fixing” required.

The enthusiasm of both women was palpable. And I delighted in being in their presence. I’m humming the tune to the spiritual “Oh Happy Days.” “Hunter Moon” tonight, with Mars as an accent. All a palpably lovely day. Thanks to all for sharing yours.

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Unnecessary ballast… well said. How many of us carry along belongings we don’t use?

And! No “fixing” required. 😊 Empowerment via recognition and praise.

Thank you for adding much value to 3mm with your comment Gary!

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I take inspiration from your steadfast dedication to 3mm and all the members of the community! Wishing you the very best in your endeavors today.

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