Cheers to MuseWear Every Single Day!

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I’ll likely give some away. 😂

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

A former employer described himself as “A knee slapping, gum flapping kinda guy.” The kind who can charm a cat out of a tree. Perhaps Tal has crossed paths with him? 🙃

The business of “haikuery” has a long and storied tradition. Some reading has indicated I need at least another life or two to become adept! That didn’t stop me from appreciating all the offerings yesterday. Is there often an origin story about an event or topic that inspired the haiku’s words?

I enjoyed the results of careful snippery that produced a tray full and resulted in today’s image! My upbringing called for snipping that resulted in perfect squares and rectangles and avoidance of circles, much less stretched ovals! Oh my! And you say the Trio went in a direction you didn’t expect this morning? Swept up in the joy of the moment, of being?

Happy Friday!

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I’ve read a little about haikuery… and yes, there are rules or guidelines to doing it “right”… which could be fun if my energy was in such a direction. It’s not. Tal is all about improvisation!

And… Joy of the moment! Yes!!!

A friend recently asked me why I wrote these love letters every day. Why not weekly?

I paused and fumbled for my answer — landing on, “I can’t not do it.”

Further reflection tells me that writing 3mm is often one of the most joyful and light filled parts of my day. Writing a daily love letter is my soul work.


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This EXPLAINS everything! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

“Writing a daily love letter is my soul work. 💜💚♥️”

It also begs us to ask ourselves a question?

What’s your “soul work?”

What fills your cup?

When the cup is full, will it hold any more?

The answer is “of course!” It’s a cup. However, it can only hold more when “we” pour some out…

Also, it’s impossible to pour from a depleted cup…

3mm is a simple way for me to both fill and pour out so I can regularly make room for more…

And, just for clarity, all “more” is not equal. Sometimes less is more…

Less distraction equals more focus is just one example that comes to mind…

What’s your “soul work?” 🤔🙏🏼🕊️🙏🏼

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Thanks for your thought inducing comments Bobby!

As mentioned here on 3mm, I've started working my own version of enunciating my goals and framing a schedule (inspired by our magical friend DJ). Making space for that has brought clarity! The thing is... I don't think I was ready for it six months or a year ago.

I'm remembering that Kairos (spirit time) has wisdom that Kronos (clock time) might lack. :)

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

“I can’t not do it.” I can see how beginning one’s day with connection, through kind and thoughtful words, is grounding. Affirming. For this community member, I always find your words & art fresh, hopeful, and a source of joy. Happy week end!

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“Experimentation, like scissors, curates great stuff!” ~Typist, a.k.a, Gail Boenning

Not just a great quote but a phenomenal #SixWordStory too!

Wow! 🤩🤯🤩

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Mining good from last weekend’s magazine snipping! I had no idea how much inspiration doing so would bring.

TY for your appreciation!!!

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

T-shirt: “My spirit animal has rabies.” 😁

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Oh Jack... 🤦🏻‍♂️

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

What?! Six words! 😉

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You’re counting punctuation!

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