“Aaaaaaack! Hahahaha! — ‘he got 12 months…’ for stealing a callllenderrrr!” Thalia stomped her foot and slapped her leg. “That one is for reader Jack! Wonder if he’s come across the joke on a hat, sign, button, or t-shirt?”
“Speaking of,” Nia frowned. “Twelve muse-tees sold is an abysmal count. Typist had to buy four to get the lot printed.”
“On the bright side… She’ll now be able to wear us seven days a week without doing laundry… with an extra to spare.” A recognition that happiness is created, not found, delighted Calliope in the art of framing with the right materials.
Words from Typist:
The trio went in a direction I didn’t expect this morning. 🤔
How frivolous! Fascinating! Funny!
What’s that I spy? A loose t-shirt thread I can use to tie this love letter together into a six word sentence…
Experimentation like scissors, curates great stuff!
Yesterday’s request by Cal for haikus was a rousing success. (Who can refuse sweet Calliope???)
You can check, check, check ‘em out here.
💚💜❤️Thank you to everyone who shipped a sharing of themselves!💜💚❤️
Tal wants a turn to try...
The Muse of Wit wiggled her eyebrows along with every cell in her body. “Hey y’all! How(1) ‘bout(2) a(3) six-word(4 — because of the hyphen) comment(5) today(6)? Yeeee—hawwwwwwww!”
Cheers to MuseWear Every Single Day!
A former employer described himself as “A knee slapping, gum flapping kinda guy.” The kind who can charm a cat out of a tree. Perhaps Tal has crossed paths with him? 🙃
The business of “haikuery” has a long and storied tradition. Some reading has indicated I need at least another life or two to become adept! That didn’t stop me from appreciating all the offerings yesterday. Is there often an origin story about an event or topic that inspired the haiku’s words?
I enjoyed the results of careful snippery that produced a tray full and resulted in today’s image! My upbringing called for snipping that resulted in perfect squares and rectangles and avoidance of circles, much less stretched ovals! Oh my! And you say the Trio went in a direction you didn’t expect this morning? Swept up in the joy of the moment, of being?
Happy Friday!