Honestly, I allow the feelings of love to ebb and flow. Often my reaction to outside (of me) occurrences. Old school psychology called this “external locus of control.”
You, I can say with confidence, have an “internal locus of control.” Born that way? I clearly assert “Not.” Your desire to be more, to feel more, and to embrace the world around you instigated actions that would empower you for such changes. And more!
Me? To become “... more powerful than my wildest imaginings...” holds an air of impossibility. (Thanks to Marianne Williamson for that line.)
And to believe that I could never change is to make it come true.
The portraits of The Muses look grand! Not seeing your trademark initials on Nia? Sometimes when traveling at nearly the speed of light (you) a few details disappear... like shooting stars. Cal has turned out to be as delightful as the earlier sketch suggested she might. Tal? As still as I can ever remember!
Your link to Miley Cyrus, as mention of her name often does, evoked the cover of her album, “Wrecking Ball.” Today’s song suggests she’s exploring other versions of herself, and showing us. A good example to illustrate Jefferson’s observation.
Calliope’s feeling “What a beautiful world” quickly prompted Ray Charles’ “What A Wonderful World.” Thematically similar. Refreshing.
Thanks for including Rolf Gates’ comment, too. That reminded me of deciding to play B-flat clarinet in third grade. No knowledge at all of music theory. Zero knowledge of scales and keys. Of course I expected perfection to appear in a jiffy. 🤦🏽 Decades later I began to grok the process.
Thanks for the needed nudges today, LoveLetterist!
Later on my march to silly living, I took up the Alto Saxophone. Bigger. Shinier. Louder!
Later my niece, who really is a musician, became the proud owner/user of that sax. High school band I believe, though she plays violin in a philharmonic. Not much call for violins in marching bands... 😉
A note from LoveLetterist:
I continue to pay attention to all of the things I want to get better at -- the tangible and the intangible.
This morning in my listening circle I shared that I continue to grow stronger with connection and conversation.
Check this out: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7132699149916925952/
We're all amateurs.
The question becomes... Do you love LIFE?
Honestly, I allow the feelings of love to ebb and flow. Often my reaction to outside (of me) occurrences. Old school psychology called this “external locus of control.”
You, I can say with confidence, have an “internal locus of control.” Born that way? I clearly assert “Not.” Your desire to be more, to feel more, and to embrace the world around you instigated actions that would empower you for such changes. And more!
Me? To become “... more powerful than my wildest imaginings...” holds an air of impossibility. (Thanks to Marianne Williamson for that line.)
And to believe that I could never change is to make it come true.
Thank you for seeing me and my evolution Gary. What comes to mind is, “If she can do it, I can do it.”
That said… Changing oneself is likely up there with one of life’s greatest challenges. You really have to want to.
Lee Thayer said something like: You have to be painfully dissatisfied with the way of being you find yourself in.
I was.
And hence… the journey began.
I’ve conjured you writing a monograph, yours, titled “Once Upon A Lifetime.” That would offer the formative process for your life to date.
Not famous enough? At all? “Pshaw,” I say, speaking as my grandmother would have.”
Good for thought, though I prefer homemade pumpkin pie myself. 😊
The portraits of The Muses look grand! Not seeing your trademark initials on Nia? Sometimes when traveling at nearly the speed of light (you) a few details disappear... like shooting stars. Cal has turned out to be as delightful as the earlier sketch suggested she might. Tal? As still as I can ever remember!
Your link to Miley Cyrus, as mention of her name often does, evoked the cover of her album, “Wrecking Ball.” Today’s song suggests she’s exploring other versions of herself, and showing us. A good example to illustrate Jefferson’s observation.
Calliope’s feeling “What a beautiful world” quickly prompted Ray Charles’ “What A Wonderful World.” Thematically similar. Refreshing.
Thanks for including Rolf Gates’ comment, too. That reminded me of deciding to play B-flat clarinet in third grade. No knowledge at all of music theory. Zero knowledge of scales and keys. Of course I expected perfection to appear in a jiffy. 🤦🏽 Decades later I began to grok the process.
Thanks for the needed nudges today, LoveLetterist!
The image? All Calliope… intended to show artistic evolution? Compare #1 to #3?
Tal and Nia have their own versions!
Who doesn’t want the auto-skill and/or immediate gratification? 😂 Perhaps something similar happened with me and the flute. 🤔🤭
Love Rolf’s observation that true joy and empowerment lies in embracing what we can control — our attitude and effort.
Good observations all!
Later on my march to silly living, I took up the Alto Saxophone. Bigger. Shinier. Louder!
Later my niece, who really is a musician, became the proud owner/user of that sax. High school band I believe, though she plays violin in a philharmonic. Not much call for violins in marching bands... 😉
My father found some other trusting father to sell the flute to. Would be fascinating to know if the new player embraced it.
Maybe she’s a generalist?
14 Years Later... Progress is a GOAL!
“Progress is a goal.”
I love the pictures. Nice job.
Thank you Pennie! My focus right now is trying to put bodies into different positions. 😁
Yes, I was never good at drawing the human figure so I never proceeded with that. I used to draw animals quite a bit but it's been a long time.
Animals are fun! I feel they leave space for... whimsy. Will think about that as I create the muses.
And I hope that you have a Blessed Thanksgiving
Thank you! You, too.
Yes true 😁