“I wanna make an awwww-dee-o version of POISE — a mooooo-vee? And a picture book with us in it — then we can write an ahn-thro-po-mor-fic tale with foxes and crows in it —” Thalia stops to breathe.
Nia leans back, gently pulling on the reins. “Slow down — Please?”
“Enthusiasm… riding tandem with execution…” Calliope floats on feelings of flourishing. “What a beautiful world.”
In our culture, results get all of the attention and the process is overlooked.
~Rolf Gates
Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask! Act! Action will delineate and define you.
~Thomas Jefferson
A note from LoveLetterist:
I continue to pay attention to all of the things I want to get better at -- the tangible and the intangible.
This morning in my listening circle I shared that I continue to grow stronger with connection and conversation.
Check this out: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7132699149916925952/
We're all amateurs.
The question becomes... Do you love LIFE?
The portraits of The Muses look grand! Not seeing your trademark initials on Nia? Sometimes when traveling at nearly the speed of light (you) a few details disappear... like shooting stars. Cal has turned out to be as delightful as the earlier sketch suggested she might. Tal? As still as I can ever remember!
Your link to Miley Cyrus, as mention of her name often does, evoked the cover of her album, “Wrecking Ball.” Today’s song suggests she’s exploring other versions of herself, and showing us. A good example to illustrate Jefferson’s observation.
Calliope’s feeling “What a beautiful world” quickly prompted Ray Charles’ “What A Wonderful World.” Thematically similar. Refreshing.
Thanks for including Rolf Gates’ comment, too. That reminded me of deciding to play B-flat clarinet in third grade. No knowledge at all of music theory. Zero knowledge of scales and keys. Of course I expected perfection to appear in a jiffy. 🤦🏽 Decades later I began to grok the process.
Thanks for the needed nudges today, LoveLetterist!