Gail, the cache of good will you've amassed should last you seven winters if needed. But you won't need it because it will continue to build. I hope you have more than big cheeks to store it all. Oh yeah--your heart. You'll never have to worry.

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Thank you for your kind words that have made me feel warmer than a donut fresh from the fryer. 🤗

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Now you're just being a tease with that donut-fresh-from-the-fryer reference. 🤣

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Haha! I just love it when the muses deliver a phrase like that. 😂

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Night shirt: “My workout is reading in bed until my arms hurt.” 😁

Not sure why the creator of the t-shirt never discovered a second pillow to rest the book on...

Or maybe that's the point?

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Ha! I rest my books on a pillow… and promptly fall asleep while somehow managing to hold the book aright. 🤷‍♀️

I bet one of you catalogs offers a solution to this challenge!

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Would you like a sloping pillow that acts as a book rest? A tray with a pop-up book (or tablet) holder? One photo showed a dog sprawled across their owner’s lap in bed, acting as a book prop (the ad was for the spread, I think), but I cannot imagine Henny putting up with that for long…

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When Henny is inclined to come on the bed (rarely) she bolts if we twitch a toe or wiggle a finger. She’s one odd canine… but she’s mine. 🤗

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One question for Typist? Where did you dig up that old photo of me? I was sure I had deleted it! 😉

I always thought it made my face look fat... 😂

Thinking I might need some CHEER myself... Or at least another cup of coffee ☕️!

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Isn’t that chippy cute!

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Zippity-doo-dah! Today’s LoveLetter resembled a pre-launch flight check! Does Tal make the coffee some mornings? Perhaps a wee bit on the strong side. (As do I). Does Nia get worn out by week’s end and need extra rest before the week end? Cal’s equanimity was on full display, as always. I do wonder what all goes into the “CHEER” blend? 🙃

The overall tone for 3mm today seemed light hearted, with strands of focused thoughts and hopeful expectations for today and the coming end to Autumn and incipient Winter.

To paraphrase, “Why ‘go nuts’ when there’s plenty in the pantry?!” Happy day + week end dear ones.

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The print on the roller bottle is tiny! I read coconut oil, wild orange peel, clove, star anise, lemon myrtle, vanilla, ginger and geranium!

I’m wondering if tomorrow I’ll be extolling the virtues of speeding up?

Isn’t life grand?!

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Every day is a new one. The cool part is our role in crafting it! (Is that small print requiring a magnifying glass to save soy ink or paper or just mess with those of us who are in a state of “Advanced Vision?”) Aided by their knowing that folks who buy “ CHEER” oil are likely to have advanced vision... Hah! Another conspiracy theory is born. 🤔😬

And life is grand!

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Love what you did there — connecting CHEER oil with advanced vision. 😃

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“Why ‘go nuts’ when there’s plenty in the pantry?!” “Happy day + week end dear ones.” ~Spangler


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