Night shirt: “My workout is reading in bed until my arms hurt.” 😁
Not sure why the creator of the t-shirt never discovered a second pillow to rest the book on...
Or maybe that's the point?
Would you like a sloping pillow that acts as a book rest? A tray with a pop-up book (or tablet) holder? One photo showed a dog sprawled across their owner’s lap in bed, acting as a book prop (the ad was for the spread, I think), but I cannot imagine Henny putting up with that for long…
Night shirt: “My workout is reading in bed until my arms hurt.” 😁
Not sure why the creator of the t-shirt never discovered a second pillow to rest the book on...
Or maybe that's the point?
Ha! I rest my books on a pillow… and promptly fall asleep while somehow managing to hold the book aright. 🤷♀️
I bet one of you catalogs offers a solution to this challenge!
Would you like a sloping pillow that acts as a book rest? A tray with a pop-up book (or tablet) holder? One photo showed a dog sprawled across their owner’s lap in bed, acting as a book prop (the ad was for the spread, I think), but I cannot imagine Henny putting up with that for long…
When Henny is inclined to come on the bed (rarely) she bolts if we twitch a toe or wiggle a finger. She’s one odd canine… but she’s mine. 🤗