
A note from LoveLetterist:

Articles about tech addiction

and the impending challenges of AI

are popping up

like spring daffodils

in my awareness.

I believe the challenges are quite real.

As a content creator, who regularly adds drips to the sticky web that catches many, I sometimes wonder if I am part of the problem. 🤔

Then I remember...

that every man must decide for him(her)self

whether to mindlessly stream


to use their tools

to build



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I’m much more attracted as “time keeps on “slippin’ slippin’ into the future” by speakers and writers that keep their focus on our connections-with all of Nature including our fellow humans. Deep Fake refers to AI generated personas (appearance and voice) used to deceive folks for a variety of reasons. If one notices the second word in the previous sentence, that seems a broad brush description of AI.

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A friend pointed out that with AI, I could send an AI message and the receiver could respond with AI... basically removing human to human connection from the interaction.

Instead of I/Thou... this becomes an I/It interaction.

From my perspective, God/Love is completely left out of the equation.

I suspect the Great Mystery might weigh in if we proceed with an I/It mindset.

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"She's mighty, mighty/just lettin' it all hang out..."

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I want to be the best Gail Boenning on the planet. 😁

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Psst! Nia! I have a castle song tucked into my sentimental jukebox. You’re always free to look around. Moody Blues. “And the tide rushes in, And washes my castles away, And I really just don’t know, On which side of the bed I should lay.” Not suggesting that brick castle could be in danger, but I’ve known contractors that suggest building a foundation on sand might be classified as having “latent structural defects.” 😳

Keep an eye on Henny. She’s looking at the castle like she thinks it’s a fine cake! Perhaps an AI Deep Fake cake?!

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Oh boy!

There's a cascade of mystery in this comment Gary!

And I wouldn't put it past Henny to taste a sand cake.

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