Nią searches the net for a song about castles and comes up empty-shoveled. “How about Brick House — by the Commodores?
“Thahhhhht’llll work!” Tal plants a flag.
“We get to choose…” Calliope dusts sand from her fingers, “how we use our tools.”
The real question is not whether machines think but whether men do.
~B.F. Skinner
A note from LoveLetterist:
Articles about tech addiction
and the impending challenges of AI
are popping up
like spring daffodils
in my awareness.
I believe the challenges are quite real.
As a content creator, who regularly adds drips to the sticky web that catches many, I sometimes wonder if I am part of the problem. 🤔
Then I remember...
that every man must decide for him(her)self
whether to mindlessly stream
to use their tools
to build
"She's mighty, mighty/just lettin' it all hang out..."