A note from LoveLetterist:

Thirty plus years ago when the movie Groundhog Day was released, I wasn't seasoned enough to grasp its message.

I turned up my nose at watching a scene played over, and over... and over again.

Silly me.

I get it now.

What if we're not here to change the world?

What if the world is here to change us?

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The story I took from “Groundhog Day” was a guy condemned to hell by having the worst day of his life over and over... until he turned it into the best day, and made it better for others as well. Also felt like the kind of movie Frank Capra could have made if he was still around.

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That’s the same message I took a couple of years ago when I slowed myself down enough to pay attention.


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Thank you!

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Let’s let this day inspire a watch party for that movie!🤭 The world changing us? That prompted for me the visualization of a blacksmith shaping us, a glowing bar of metal straight from his forge atop his anvil. The force and precision of the blows are sometimes intentional, other times inadvertent, and still others to inflict harm. Ideally we later find a new blacksmith to help smooth the dents, maybe just not all. 🤔

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Have you been peeking into my mind's eye about possibilities for Book 6?

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Not intentionally. But our incidents of synchronicity have not been few and far between. I say, “Quantum mechanics!” You say, “Science gibberish!” To the entertainment of both. ☺️

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Mostly I say…

Beats me, but I sure am going to ride the waves with enthusiasm and a smile.

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I’ve shared this in the past. Many years ago, while experiencing the effects from drinking psilocybin mushroom tea, my wife called a coworker where they both worked. As I heard bits and pieces of the conversation, I began to “see” the surroundings from where her friend was standing. Before the call ended, I asked if I could check what I saw with her friend. Spot on with every detail. From the fireplace to wall paint, to style of door trim, to the room just beyond where she stood. I had never seen this structure nor had it been described to me. The friend felt a bit creeped out, and my wife just stood in disbelief and asked what was going on! 🤷🏽

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Love this Gail! Jeff was just saying we need to watch that movie. LOL

Happy day and thank you for the beautiful question.

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You're welcome. The questions were a gift to me from a connection on LinkedIn. It's my pleasure to share the good stuff!

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Your offering today of Max Frost was as full of energy as possible. I had to marvel at how such a video is choreographed? My hat’s off to those creationists!

After my yesterday’s erroneous naming a pencil shaving as a mushroom I’m now hesitant to try to name the furbee in your morning’s art. I imagine it’s belting out Feelin’ Groovy by Simon and Garfunkel. I so like your skillful collecting of twiglets from outdoors to fashion arms. Placed just so! Of course you are the creator, LoveLetterist.

Has Thalia had too much coffee this morning? Lacing up her running shoes? Or is that her necessary attire when an urge to twirl comes along? 🤔 Cal, as usual, simply stated the facts of the moment with no sign of pushback. Go, Cal!

The quote from Tolstoy fits like a buckskin driving glove. Ladies and ladies, start your engines! 😁

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It's a groundhog! 😂

Let's get you those glasses 👓... the twig arms are painted.

I think you're teasing me -- which brings a hearty laugh.

My dad made sure I understood, "They wouldn't tease you if they didn't like you."

We were heading out to walk Henny. We've added a few shuffles and dance steps to our patrols. We like to keep the neighbors guessing as to what happens under the hood of our parka.

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What a surprise! On February 2nd! 🤭 In my youth, groundhogs were hunted especially in pastures due to the risk their burrows posed to the legs of grazing cattle. Mr. Special Groundhog, Phil, resided in Punxsutawney, a mere 30 miles from our home. Disturbing a sleeping animal didn’t draw crowds in those days. 🤔 The one’s I’m familiar with were always sleek and fat-looking. The dude in your artwork appears to have met a junkyard dog.

I’ll attribute some of my jumbled processing of visual details to the fact that the old pair I’m limping by with have a correction for astigmatism. None since the cataract surgery have required such correction. The surgery was 9-10 YA! Even the words I’m pecking at now have a sort of weird, blurry quality. Outside, the Sun is quite a factor! Of course I asked for a call in the event of a cancellation. Please beam some hopeful, positive Ju-Ju my way. 🙏🏽

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Praying for a cancelation!

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Thanks so much, Sharon! If seeing is believing, what then is misperception?

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"The dude in your artwork appears to have met a junkyard dog."


Was the dog's name Henrietta?

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