So sorry to see you didn't get treatment but that happens. They had ust started using meds to boost white counts when my daughter was going through chemo but not for her type of cancer. That's why it took 3 years to get 5 of her treatments in. Praying it works for you. And I see by Mr. Spangler's message that it is your birthday. Hope you have a great one. And maybe that misbehaving C will feel you dancing at the wedding and will get scared enough to move on.

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Thank you Margaret. I will not be wearing a glum face. Looking forward to a weekend with fresh scenery!

It’s a great day to be alive… as Travis Tritt sings so well.


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Love Travis Tritt!

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T-shirt: “World’s Okayist Phlebotomist“ 😁

The t-shirt that NOBODY wants to see on the person coming toward them with a needle...

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I gotta say that whoever invented ports deserves a big hug!

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O heck..! that is a bummer. Grrrrr

Indeed, leave it to you to seek for the positive. Hope you and all your muses will twirl on the dancefloor on the wedding.

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Thalia is ready! We need to pick out a dress… 👗

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We need reminding of who’s in control.

But I have to ask what’s going on with you being a “pitch-bot” for the US Army? (Some years back, a commercial aired for Army enlistment: “It’s not a job. It’s an adventure!) 😱 I have to say your fortitude, courage, and great mind well support treating life as an adventure!

So, lest I forget, Happy Birthday, Gail. Be sure to dance at the wedding.


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Ha! I didn’t make the Army connection. 😂 I do have great respect for those who serve.

Faith and an understanding that my human brain cannot understand the intricacies of the great mystery. ♥️

Thank you for the birthday wishes! 🎈 It’s going to be a great day!

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My apologies for the correction, Gary, but "It's not just a job, it's an ADVENTURE!" was the pitch for the US Navy. https://youtu.be/W7ZvjvbU7xo

Respectfully, J. F. Herlocker, ex-LT, USN

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Thanks for linking the commercial Jack! It’s like a blast from the past! 1980… I was 12!

Did you have any long yours on a submarine? I’m not claustrophobic, but the idea of being contained under water for months on end creeps me out a bit.

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I graduated from the Naval Academy in 1980, but I was on a missile sub for midshipman cruise in 1979. Ten weeks continuously underwater on deterrent patrol. 😁 A few months later I interviewed with Admiral Rickover and got chosen for nuclear subs. (I volunteered for an attack sub — more interesting assignments.)

Workdays underway on a sub were tedious to overly interesting, depending on what was happening as part of our operating schedule — and EVERY day was a work day. My circadian rhythm got totally messed up and I never got it back — although that helps with flying to places several time zones away, since I can just adapt to what the sun is doing locally and get over jet lag inside a day.

No regrets! 😊

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Thank you for sharing all of that!

Thank you for your service Jack!

Gen. Rickover sounded familiar. I looked him up: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyman_G._Rickover


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I was 22! I remember it well!

My Dad was in the navy, USS Salem - he didn’t do the submarine thing as I think the bowels of the ships were deep enough for him! Luckily he was a radio man up top! We toured his ship in port 3 years ago. Just walking up to the ships long plank was enough for me!

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Thanks Jack. On any given day I need all the help I can get!

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Happy birthday Gail! 💖🌈🎂 What a bummer re treatment but if it allows you to be the dancing queen at the wedding then that’s a little bonus to balance out life’s quirks. 💃🏻 💒 xx

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I like the word “quirks”. 👍🏻 Thanks Margaret!

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Darn. I hope the meds help for next time. And Happy Birthday! May you have many, many more!

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Thank you Karen. ♥️

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There is wisdom at work beyond our limited vision. Such a good reminder Gail. One day at a time. Enjoy the wedding!

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Thank you Kathy… Remembering the Serenity Prayer often. It seems one of my biggest questions these days is what do I accept and what do I change… the wisdom to know the difference is the tricky part! 🤗

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Happy Birthday to you Gail! How are the muses going to celebrate? We know Thalia will be dancing- what about the others?

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JackH thank you for your service!

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