There is teasing and then there is bullying. I think there is a fine line between the two. I like Beverly Cleary books. At Christmas time our local Barnes and Noble book stores have a book drive. My daughter and I would try to go every pay day and each donate a couple hundred dollars worth of books to them. Some times it was teens t…
There is teasing and then there is bullying. I think there is a fine line between the two. I like Beverly Cleary books. At Christmas time our local Barnes and Noble book stores have a book drive. My daughter and I would try to go every pay day and each donate a couple hundred dollars worth of books to them. Some times it was teens they were collecting for. Sometimes grade school and sometimes toddlers. We haven't been able to do it the past two years but if we can get my daughter's medical issues back under control we'd like to get back into donating. Won't be as many books but we should be able to give a good bit. They would always tell us that most people would only give one or two. I worked in a learning impaired classroom for several years in Germany. I would always tell our "kids" that if they could learn to read well enough they could teach themselves just about anything. Get to a library and get to reading. When our kids were little I would order a bunch of books when the teachers sent home the order forms from Weekly Reader. The teachers told me they had to have a certain amount ordered or they couldn't place it. So to make sure, I always ordered $10-15 worth. My daughter said she always felt bad because she had to drag so many home and a lot of the other kids never got any. But the teacher would get credits built up and could get books for the classroom. We have books galore here. I could ptobably start my own library.
Standing strong at the age of 54, I look back with gratitude at the books and characters who have shaped my thinking, character, and life. Wise Charlotte from Charlotte’s Web, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Spunky Ramona, so many others.
Thank you for sharing books with others. It’s amazing what stories can do for a person!
There is teasing and then there is bullying. I think there is a fine line between the two. I like Beverly Cleary books. At Christmas time our local Barnes and Noble book stores have a book drive. My daughter and I would try to go every pay day and each donate a couple hundred dollars worth of books to them. Some times it was teens they were collecting for. Sometimes grade school and sometimes toddlers. We haven't been able to do it the past two years but if we can get my daughter's medical issues back under control we'd like to get back into donating. Won't be as many books but we should be able to give a good bit. They would always tell us that most people would only give one or two. I worked in a learning impaired classroom for several years in Germany. I would always tell our "kids" that if they could learn to read well enough they could teach themselves just about anything. Get to a library and get to reading. When our kids were little I would order a bunch of books when the teachers sent home the order forms from Weekly Reader. The teachers told me they had to have a certain amount ordered or they couldn't place it. So to make sure, I always ordered $10-15 worth. My daughter said she always felt bad because she had to drag so many home and a lot of the other kids never got any. But the teacher would get credits built up and could get books for the classroom. We have books galore here. I could ptobably start my own library.
Standing strong at the age of 54, I look back with gratitude at the books and characters who have shaped my thinking, character, and life. Wise Charlotte from Charlotte’s Web, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Spunky Ramona, so many others.
Thank you for sharing books with others. It’s amazing what stories can do for a person!