Fear, accusation, and judgement surely fled your presence. How did you feel while creating this fuzzy critter? I’m thinking joy may have been hanging out with you. Rohr’s recommendation seems so basic, yet the doing isn’t an easy habit to acquire. Happy Friday & week end, 3mm plus typist!
Love the quote in your writing Gail. It is a good mantra to live by. Hope you have a good weekend!
Wishing the same for you! I took a lot from Immortal Diamond... pages of notes.
I love your fuzzy little monster! It's so cute!
Thank you Pennie!
T-shirt: “My kid reminds me of myself at that age. Well played, karma, well played.” 😁
Your monster is my favorite of the week! 🥇
Cutie, right? I can probably get better with fur if I work at it. 😄
Fear, accusation, and judgement surely fled your presence. How did you feel while creating this fuzzy critter? I’m thinking joy may have been hanging out with you. Rohr’s recommendation seems so basic, yet the doing isn’t an easy habit to acquire. Happy Friday & week end, 3mm plus typist!
Yes! The monster was fun. I'm going to try another. 👹 (I can make it cuter than this emoji 😂)