Thalia sat in Typist’s seat. Her fingers danced on laptop’s keyboard. doe9jfvne784oemxhew82pe,dxhxsyeirtouylhjdtq26184-7;8,hidf6agqjr0-8lgj
Urania slid her bottom onto their new memory foam cushion. She nudged Tal from the driver’s seat with a bump and a grin. “I’ll cover the typing while Typist vanquishes whichever virus is causing her sniffles. How about peeling and segmenting the clementines Thalia? We need your bright and flavor-full creativity for our next project.”
“Teamwork.” Calliope went off in search of a sponge and a rock. She sang “Heaven, I’m in heaven… and my heart beats so that I can hardly speak…”
Words from Typist:
‘Tis true.
A bug caught me.
I shall vanquish it to the out door.
There is a fire burning in my heart.
I’m creating a play-shop to share what I’ve learned (and continue to learn!) about Magical Math. (You can read more about Magical Math in Wandering Words: A Walk from A to Z!)
Oh my galoshes! There’s a connection between 3mm and mm (magical math) — How cool is that?
What kindles fire(s) in your heart?
In response to on the prowl, Jane wants to know: What does it feel like to lose fur?
I can only speak for myself Jane — and it took me a good long while to get here — but now — losing fur feels like opportunity knocking.
Pain is an exacting teacher, if you welcome it as one.
Final Hours!
Muse-wear! Get your muse-wear here!
Don’t Miss Out!
14 hours, 36 minutes, 33, 32,31… seconds
“Pain is an exacting teacher, if you welcome it as one.” -Typist, a.k.a, Gail Boenning
And if you don’t “welcome it” your life might be more like this... 😉
Sorry you have a sniffle battle on top of the things you want, and feel motivated, to do. My maternal grandfather, Solomon Curtis Seigworth, would call having your affliction, “All sneezled up.” He liked rearranging letters or entire words to make sure others were listening. My theory. 🤷🏽
You asked, “WHAT KINDLES FIRES IN YOUR HEART?” Wildlife is always inspiring. This morning on my first Izzie walk I saw a male Hooded Merganser at the pond behind our home. With his harem. 3 females. Does that make him a big deal? Or the females indecisive? Everything can be this...
Losing fur? What does it feel like? A jab in my left arm produced six vials of blood. I guess calling that “fur” might be a stretch. My take on that is it’s an effort to make sense of some recent leg muscle problems. “You got to give a little, Take a little, And let your poor heart break a little. That’s the story of, That’s the glory of love.” Jimmy Durante (long ago, ‘round about the wondrous days of yore)
Calliope must have had my musical disposition this morning as well! “When we’re out together dancing cheek to cheek.” A sponge and a rock?🤔🤷🏽
Love?? Well, yes, love of life. Love of being as mobile as possible (Izzie votes yes!). Love for being proactive in my own physical well being.
All the best in ousting your sneezles!