The sketch of the MRI machine, with patient in waffle-weave robe, reminded me of the days when any circus worth its salt shot someone out of a cannon! One or two clarifying questions might set your mind more at ease!
I absolutely agree with Karen. Therapists used to employ “implosion” for treating fears and anxiety. (Immersing the patient in mental visualizations of feared events using a progression of more and more fearful images) If there’s even a smidgeon of medical procedure anxiety lurking in your elbow, this week ought to do the trick!
I wish you the easy-peasy best in all you’ve just outlined. Maybe Thalia should stay home to hang out with Henny!? I can just see her at the control panel for the MRI. Spinning the knob while asking, “What does this one do?” 😱
Most folks I know that have a colonoscopy are “la-la-d” and are elsewhere as the procedure occurs. I’ve had three at the same facility and “wake and alert” is one option! Yup, my idea of a good time! Dialog with the physician as they narrate the journey affords a sense of participation. The improvement in image quality during my last one was striking!
I’m not certain if not eating is worse than the fake-flavored sodium citrate chaser.
Holy shit! (Pun intended.) You have a busy week, Gail. May everything "come out" in the best possible way!
Millions have proceeded me in this fasting/bathrooming/explorationing. Should be interesting!
It's really less interesting than boring and repetitive. You'll be glad to have it behind you. (OK, I'l stop now.)
The sketch of the MRI machine, with patient in waffle-weave robe, reminded me of the days when any circus worth its salt shot someone out of a cannon! One or two clarifying questions might set your mind more at ease!
I absolutely agree with Karen. Therapists used to employ “implosion” for treating fears and anxiety. (Immersing the patient in mental visualizations of feared events using a progression of more and more fearful images) If there’s even a smidgeon of medical procedure anxiety lurking in your elbow, this week ought to do the trick!
I wish you the easy-peasy best in all you’ve just outlined. Maybe Thalia should stay home to hang out with Henny!? I can just see her at the control panel for the MRI. Spinning the knob while asking, “What does this one do?” 😱
The only smidgeon is more of an irritation. No food for 36 hours. 🤐 Drats!
Most folks I know that have a colonoscopy are “la-la-d” and are elsewhere as the procedure occurs. I’ve had three at the same facility and “wake and alert” is one option! Yup, my idea of a good time! Dialog with the physician as they narrate the journey affords a sense of participation. The improvement in image quality during my last one was striking!
I’m not certain if not eating is worse than the fake-flavored sodium citrate chaser.
T-shirt: “When I ask how you're doing, please just say ’good’. Don't start telling me stuff.” 😁
Sounds like this might be an applicable week!
Hey Jack! Deb recently had colonoscopy, yes?
Will you link your story here as additional inspiration for anyone hesitant to schedule their appointment?
My pleasure!
Thank you!