“Different, and yet similar to being a muse conductor.” ~Typist, The Muse Conductor

A friend wants to know if this is at all similar to “cat herding?”

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I’ve never tried herding cats… although Henrietta acts more like a cat than a dog. 😂

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

Plain as the nose on my ear! (The audio part coupled with your written thoughts.)

Long ago I built a custom house for a middle aged couple. The guy was an administrative law attorney, mainly hospital licensing. I noticed he always wore his dress shirts a full size too small, and tied his tie like a neck-noose!

During a multi-vendor meeting at the interior finish stage, the flooring company’s rep backed into Mr Tight Tie’s BMW! The rep darted in to tell me to tell the owner what happened but I indicated that report had to be delivered to the car’s owner. I paired them up and watched as Mr TT’s face turned beet red! Floor rep looked ready to flee at any moment.

In my effort to prevent mayhem I helped keep the focus on exchanging each other’s information and noting that a police report would be needed by one or both’s insurance company. Once that was addressed, Mr Floor made a safe escape. Mr TT looked at me and asked rhetorically why people who want to “possess” nice things have to live in a world with people like “that guy!”

Whatever the deal was with the TT, he had made his automobile an avatar of his career, his persona?! With frequent detailing he had kept his 2-year old car in showroom condition!

A few years ago, Peggy Lee sang, “Is that all there is, is that all there is? Then let’s keep dancing.” Quite a trade off between Joy and possessions?! Lucinda Williams sang, “He never got enough love, in all his life.” All kinds of kinds.

Well woven! Thanks once more for your encouragement to look at ourselves. To be observant of our human interactions. Having learned late in life about restraint of judgement and mouth has avoided a lot of unnecessary unpleasantness. Not so much for me but those around me. Helping others in their pursuits of Joy in turn brings me Joy. Oh happy day!

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Uh-oh… Does “nose on your ear” mean I was confusing?

This morning I read thoughts Steve Jobs shared at the end of his life. In a nutshell, he said all the “stuff” didn’t matter as much as he once though it did. A cheap car could take you to the same places an expensive one could.

Seems to fit well with the story you have shared.

I agree that helping others in their pursuits of joy is of the highest value!

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

Sorry, Gail. I think I’m exhibiting some of my maternal grandfather’s deliberate blends of incongruous words! You have to admit, though, that a nose on one’s ear might be plain, obvious. 🤷🏽

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Okay… yes! I’d be sure to notice a nose on your ear. 😂

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Today’s reading was validation for the idea that “Life is Good.”

A fairly successful brand I might add… 😉

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Yes! Life is Good — a gift.

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

Night shirt: “Dear brain, night time is for sleeping, not solving the world’s problems!” 😁

And neither night nor daytime should be used for fixing too much of the small stuff? 🤨

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Subtle shift, but when I substitute “fixing” with “learning/growing/improving” change feels empowering.

Reading Carlson’s book is one of my earliest conscious efforts to actively step away from negative thought patterns. He offers a lot of wisdom in bite size chapters.

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