Ready to be inspired, Thalia touches Instagram’s explore icon. “Ooooo-mmmmm-phffff! Look-eeee, look-eeee. Ah-yyyyeee love it!”
“Simplicity. Clarity. A bit of mystique.” Nią nods agreement, then begins collecting what’s needed for Sunday art play.
Cal considers the great horned beauty they’ve seen at the marsh. “Twice… in one week… and both times blue jays squawked and carried on amongst the branches. Wonder what…”
Nią searches faster than Cal can think. “I found this —”
A fool is known by his speech, and a wise man by silence.
Twwiiccceee in one weeeeek! This makes my heart smile and also a wee bit jelly. I am obsessed with birds of prey. I am not sure when it started but I can’t take my eyes off them.
Sooo... more than one owl is a “parliament.” ☑️ Once inspired, the goal of art play was quickly determined and executed deftly. The black pupils define this avian miracle as a nocturnal species. Great Horned Owl I’ll guess.
Barred owls brazenly occupy branches of trees behind our home, occasionally blasting their cackles and hoots and hollers! Yet they can be prey for Great Horned Owls! 😳
Much in character, Tal celebrates a perfect coincidence, Nia quickly rounds up the gear for art play as Cal ponders it all. Done in perfect harmony.
Now I’ll pretend I’m the wise man Pythagoras described...