A note from LoveLetterist:

Game on.

Let's change the world.

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By starting with ourselves.

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Perhaps you read Linda McLachlan’s post this morning. Her focus on negative, harmful self talk as how we tear ourselves down aligns well with your conclusion. “By starting with ourselves.”

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Yes, let’s!!!

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Be the fireworks! Light one’s own fuse! I wondered if the figure in LiveLetterists’ art offering was holding one of those amazing firework? The ones that blast off into the sky then release bright flashes, comet-like trails, and then conclude with the mother of all kerbangs!

Just the same I believe waking to a gobsmacking sunrise is the best firework of all! Sunsets a close second. Question: Who’s excited about playing with our timepieces around 2:00 am Sunday morning? And causing our sunrises to appear an hour later than Saturday morning? You might guess that’s not something on my bucket list. Plus I’ve no hoeing and planting scheduled for after dinner most nights. 🤷🏽

I tried to find a “Click2Comic for Dummies” at the library. Without success. My question is about the output from the software: Is what we see in your posts a direct digital transfer to your blog? I’m guessing yes. And can you also export your creation to your printer? If “Yes” on the latter, a mega-tank printer might save you a fortune in ink! 😉

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