
A note from LoveLetterist:

I enjoyed a recognition this morning...

about style...

and all kinds of kinds.

I listened to Rogan, Willink, Hormozi, and Reeves operating within their genius

so blunt and bold

in comparison to my poetic, riddling style.

I appreciate their authenticity

and recognize it doesn't matter whether or not they appreciate mine

because the most relevant mountain we're here to conquer

is ourselves.


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Dec 7, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

I love today’s artwork! How long have you been “arting” since stick figure days. These owls are gems, figuratively speaking.

Your reference to Chapter 6? Book 5? Your organizational skills far exceed mine! 😉 Yeager’s quote brought a smile to my face.

Beth interviewed him while doing research for a book. He offered this: “When you enter a room immediately locate a safe exit point, never sit in the corner of the room, and always keep your eye on the door.” He sounds like he could fly his plane the next day!

Have a joyous left and right brain kind of day. 😊

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The word “paragraphs” in green is a link to an article from NASA. I think I’d need Katherine Johnson to explain it to me! 😁

That is where you’ll find paragraph 6!

My husband must have heard Yeager say this because that’s exactly how he approaches seating in a restaurant. 🤔

You too! May your day be delicious!

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

Here’s an “updraft” story you might enjoy. One summer on a canoe-camping trip, as we made a bend in the river, I saw these amazing birds performing loop-dee-loops in the air!

First the birds were Swallowtail Kites, which summer in the extreme southeastern US. Second, this playful flight occurred directly above a pipeline right-of-way only covered in grasses. On either side were oak and pine woods. The relatively bare grass of the right-of-way and its lighter color created a near continuous updraft from reflected energy of the Sun’s light.

The kites weren’t hunting! I considered the activity to be play. (The kites might have treated the activity like going to the gym, strengthening muscles and sharpening the positioning of their wings.) They were not flapping their wings either once a loop began. The thermal, or updraft, carried them up. Reaching 12 o’clock straight up, they descended by gravity, and then started the next loop.

One of those locked in memories that hasn’t faded. This serves as a source of gratitude for me - Great Spirit induced.

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023Author

My first thought while reading of your experience is the fall migration of blackbirds through my neck of the woods. They travel in 100s or maybe even thousands. I love watching them when able. I once had a video on my phone. I wonder if it is still there.

Next I thought of a similar sight in Nashville TN. We were on rooftop watching thousands of synchronous birds fly from one perch to another.

And finally, I just finished reading an article about Nikola Tesla... which I found fascinating. He had a thing for pigeons... one in particular... with whom he believed he communicated thoughts. V. Interesting!

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

When you mentioned the flights of blackbirds I thought “murmuration.” A double check on relevance adamantly noted that the term is specific to starlings! Another source included blackbirds? Ask an expert. 🤭

I remembered a migratory species that is a treat to see. Wood Storks visit in summer then scarf down frogs, small fish, insects, crayfish to store energy for flights to South America and southern Central America. I once came upon a tree with bare branches filled with a large group at migration time on the St Marks National Wildlife Refuge near us.

Sadly, their numbers are in decline. Now who is going to deliver all the babies? 😔

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I just saw a post on Instagram. Barbara Kingsolver has been added to a Financial Times list of 25 most influential women. As a novelist (and biologist) her novels shine a light onto the challenges of our current times.

Fiction is a powerful influencer of behavior?

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