The cat looking into the bulb of possibility is my favorite.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

T-shirt: “I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes.” 😁

Love the first one! Happy cat at a distance, looking through the light bulb/terrarium.

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I like how the drawings turned out. Pretty clever.

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I love both of them!! O happy coincidences...

And the blog from Gaping Void is good too. I know those checkouts. Great idea...

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Yes!!! I read about those checkouts someplace else… right about the time I saw A Man Called Otto. I can only imagine his reaction if he accidentally got into one of those lines. 😂

I agree… great idea! Creative.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

Can I plan lucidity? My episodes of unplanned, unintended lucidity seem to have fallen on hard times. 🤔

As I viewed your two drawings, like Billy Pilgrim in Vonnegut’s writings, I became unstuck in time. Transported back to my 35 mm camera-using days. The effect I observed was like you selected a small F-stop, F-1.7 or so, then you focused first on the bulb/terrarium then re-focused on the cat. Of course the short focal length works to crisply render the desired part and blur the rest. My fascination with your two-legged cat, in sharper focus on page 2, influences my selecting that drawing.

I found Gapingvoid’s thoughts on robots and the future quite interesting! I’m aware of countries facing population declines and the associated shortfall in revenue of all types. China experienced a population decline for 2022 and is considering measures like IVF to increase their birth rate. Who will be impregnated? (Likely not male leaders) Not so many years ago China’s policy was one child per family!

Even our demographics present problems. Our burgeoning boomer ranks (🙋🏼‍♂️) along with declines in payroll withholdings for Social Security and Medicare will increase shortfalls for those programs. As manufacturing here has declined and service jobs (lower paying) have increased, the McDonald’s robot test brings even more pressure on payroll deductions. Curiouser and curiouser!

Time for more cat drawings! 😉 Go creators!!

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I’ve only read two of Vonnegut’s novels and a couple of short stories. I’m not familiar with Billy Pilgrim.

The shots are taken from each side of the page. I like how the side by side has the tails touching!

Your comment about the unknowable and our ever shifting sands brings to mind one of the guiding words I chose for 2023 — FAITH.

There is a Mystery to life that is vast beyond my greatest imaginings. With faith and trust, I can set down my perseverating about all that I cannot control — believing the Mystery has got us.

And in that belief I am free to explore and create! How amazing is that???

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

From my AA days, many days ago, there was a book was highly commended reading for newcomers working the Steps, "Drop The Rock" Considered relevant to Step 6, becoming ready for God to remove all our defects of character, and Step 7, the actual humble entreaty for God to do so. Thus unemcumbered, the working of the rest of the Steps became possible. Your having that sense that someone/something has your back and your trust in that (2022 was a pretty good demonstration of that), is indeed freeing.

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