“Among the behhhhh-st suggestions we’ve ever received!” Thalia feathers their nest with new ideas as one long-incubator prepares to hatch and fly the nest.
Nia’s eyes twinkle. “Pick a project and GO!”
Contentment flows from Cal in the form of a sigh. “Is there anything that compares… to muses in continuity?”
Many people have a book in them, but it takes a special kind of freak to leave the Land of Laziness, cross the Plains of Procrastination and Insecurity Mountain, find the blade of No One Made You Do This, and use it to cut your chest open and yank that book out.
A note of thanks from Loveletterist:
You, who have been with us from the beginningest of beginnings (3mm beginnings anyhow 😉), thank you for traveling with Tal, Nia, Cal, and me through c diagnosis, treatment, cure, and eeeeee! book writing -- THANK YOU!
We are formatting. Working on cover design. Preparing to share our story with the world.
None of it would be the same without you.
Stayed tuned!
It’s a Ink Blot kind of day. 😳 The Rorschach variety.
I pinched to find the emergent hatchling, then it all began! The creatures and objects! Distorted, almost malevolent. At the right end I see the figure of a tall, thin person facing right with its face a black oval disc. To its right is a face in right side profile, its head covered by a carelessly tossed white linen napkin. One eye shows below napkin’s edge, as well as its nose and lips. The wood fence swift has its left, front foot on this face’s head as the swift begins tearing an opening in the last eggshell.