Woman’s T-shirt: “The term ‘domestic housewife’ implies there are feral housewives. (I now have a new goal in life.)” 😁

Ah, Gary's comment helped me figure out the significance of the illustration with the text. Previously, Gail, you felt n-cumbered due to the stiffness due to COVID, but now you have advanced to q-cumbered! 🤪 Good job!

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hahahaha! What kind of activities might a feral housewife find herself involved in? 😱

Glad Gary's comment helped. My body is in a pickle... and I'm trying to twist it back into shape. I have to say my shoulder and armpit muscles are complaining loudly at the moment -- not happy about this morning's stretching. Should be okay in a few days if I stick with it.

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“Cumbered.” Thalia, that’s perfect! But I have a question. How do you channel the sounds I make when I get out of bed, or out of a chair? Fascinating.

Calliope, I, too, am inclined to offer my recent struggles if for no other reason than to gain some comforting words from the world around me. Right now my kitty, Buster, is purring in my lap! The prayer of Saint Francis comes to mind. “For it is better to comfort than to be comforted.” His wee feet struggle to remain warm on cold, winter hard floors...

Urania, I’m going to guess you’ve been listening to the Steve Miller Band classic, “Time Keeps On Slipping, Slipping, Into The Future.” Your “carpe diem” energy is on full blast! 😬

And wonderful drawist + typist person, Emerson’s remark about “Tomorrow is a new day,” quickly followed by his referring to “yesterday’s nonsense” disposes me to ask: will tomorrow likely have its own share of nonsense? Does any amount of spinal torsion guard against that fact? Or is a limber spine our best preparation for what tomorrow may bring? 🤔 With due measure of Nia’s “full speed ahead” gusto.

Perhaps some centering (the family room carpet seems well suited) and practicing of presence is needed to sweep away the nonsense? Then crank up some “We Banjo Three” tunes!! 😁

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I have no idea where I copied the Ralph Waldo quote from -- "cumbered" -- is what's scratched out in my #2 Ticonderoga scrawl. Ralph Waldo's shorthand or Gail's? 🤔

I've been listening to Dave Ramsey (familiar?) and he is reminding Urania of our personal responsibility for our choices. 💜

Every day seems to have its share of "nonsense" in my opinion. Keeps life interesting? "Blessed are the flexible for they will not be ent out of shape." Not sure of attribution.

We do love us some WB3! I read they are going on a spring tour and then "taking a break" to pursue individual projects. Grateful I got to see them live twice in 2022.

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