Calliope tops off mugs and asks, “Let’s pick a road to travel today! In our minds or somewhere in Nature?”
I sense that the young lass (St. Patrick’s day language) is wishing upon the bright star hanging in the heavens. Henny hopes she can go along.
The four picture books? New panels for Book 6? No matter how busy that may sound, encourage Urania to add at least on item to her Gratitude list. It does a body good! Kinda like milk… 😳 Nia’s lactose intolerant? 😔 Try to find a newborn calf. Calf breath is dope!
Happy viewing and pondering. Is Cal the best ponderer in the studio? At the first “pond” Nia would want perfection. Tal just can’t stand still long enough to ponder. Distracted by twirling? I’d submit that choosing the one that shines the brightest on a particular task at times gets a better result than constant striving for unanimity. Thoughts?
A note from LoveLetterist:
Love that some of you
are trying on Calliope's role
wearing your unique style.
Calliope tops off mugs and asks, “Let’s pick a road to travel today! In our minds or somewhere in Nature?”
I sense that the young lass (St. Patrick’s day language) is wishing upon the bright star hanging in the heavens. Henny hopes she can go along.
The four picture books? New panels for Book 6? No matter how busy that may sound, encourage Urania to add at least on item to her Gratitude list. It does a body good! Kinda like milk… 😳 Nia’s lactose intolerant? 😔 Try to find a newborn calf. Calf breath is dope!
My best to all.
There are 3 movies I want to see at the theater. Perhaps that is how we'll travel today... through the creativity of others.
I pulled 4 books of children's poetry to bring home and evaluate.
One is so "me" that it's become our model of possibility. :)
A deftly delivered nick might do the trick! 👏🏼👏🏼
Happy viewing and pondering. Is Cal the best ponderer in the studio? At the first “pond” Nia would want perfection. Tal just can’t stand still long enough to ponder. Distracted by twirling? I’d submit that choosing the one that shines the brightest on a particular task at times gets a better result than constant striving for unanimity. Thoughts?
Calliope is a survivor.
Life has taught her to be a keen observer of herself and others.
She surely can choose heart over head or head over heart when she sees that unanimity is an impossibility. She’s the swing vote. 🤭
Action and forward movement, no matter how slow, is better than gridlock and stagnation.