No smiles? Somehow in my mind I always pictured The Three from suppressed smiles to huge grins.

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Hmmmm... mouths are something I want to work on. I'll have to try a tutorial that focuses specifically on lips and teeth. Eyes and noses, too. I feel good about distinguishing hair, along with nose and chin shape. What will be interesting is to see if I can improve my speed, ditch the guide lines, and maintain some sense of continuity. :)

Yes... The muses are often smiling... laughing at themselves and each other. Joy!

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I as well!

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The external world vs our mind’s eye. I have just imagined all along that Tal had a full head of curly or wavy hair. I can also guess that drawing a full mane is best done with stylistic brush strokes! Not hair by hair.

Broadly speaking, typist/artist’s progress continues to impress me. The leap from stick figures to persons has been extraordinary. The story lines have varied from word-heavy (and few pictures) to word-lite with pictures as needed.

How do baby eagles prepare for fledging? When do they know that they’re ready? Maybe the parent’s “walk the plank” shove? Or the urging of their hearts?!

Delightful in any case to observe.

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I once laid under a nest… I missed the fledge because of a social commitment. Let’s see if I can find the story…

Nope! Can’t find it. I think there was a combination of parental push, heart’s desire, and peer pressure in action that morning.

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I’ve read that with eagles, the dominant chick will deliberately push a fellow chick or chicks out of the nest. Competition. Survival of the fittest?

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Hmmm… A scene in Yellowstone last night featured a scene where a young boy was going through trials to become a warrior… He’d killed somebody in self defense and saw himself as a killer. The trials were an attempt to replace one belief with another?

I think Ralph Waldo had a few things to say about watching nature as an effort in understanding human life.

We are part of nature? Have we forgotten?

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I’ve read more than once that our modern ways and values are far out of step with our genes! Now, gene editing via technology like CRISPR, can deliver edited versions of our pets, dinosaurs, and ourselves. Brave New World indeed.

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Hmmm… That book leaves a mark!

Now I’m wondering about Henrietta’s genes. Something might have gone wonky there.

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