Urania seems to have incredible balance and by far, the best eyelashes of the group! After further examination, 🧐 I believe she is the only one with eyelashes… At least in this current rendition. As Typist will attest, I am thoroughly enamored with the addition of live plant material. You might even say I’m a bit obsessed in a very good way right now… 🌎🎨💐🎨🌎


I learned earlier today that many of us have DNA 🧬 from our cave dwelling ancestors. What is strange to me is that we all don’t…

Personally, I’m wondering what my

midi-chlorian count is? 🤔


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Ha! Thanks for noticing the eyelashes. I’m really working toward a simple, amorphous face… iThink? With hair/clothing color as their defining features. Keep experimenting l!

It is strange that we all don’t have cave dwelling ancestor DNA. 🤔

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Just caught myself dilly dallying! Off I went down the rabbit hole to browse amongst the midi-chlorians. Auto correct tried to convert chlorians to chlordane-a carcinogenic termaticide! Autocorrect clearly is not a Trekkie. I liked the biological definition indicating that indeed we have a Force, a combination of our mitochondria and chloroplasts.

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BUTTON: “I hate being accused of lollygagging when it’s quite clear I’m dillydallying.” 😁

Gail, may your Thursday be full of lollygagging, dillydallying, and procrastireading! 😊

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Thanks Jack… That’s where all of the best “material” comes from, isn’t it?

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Who knew? Thanks for sharing. Oh! The nuance in language.

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OMG, so when my spell check flagged "dillydallying" but not "lollygagging" it was right — dilly dally is two words. 😳 Thanks, Bobby!

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I say this is a horseshoe 1 pointer… close enough whether it’s one word or two!

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What an exposé! I did notice in paragraph one the use of “elicit” when “illicit” was the intended one. As I read on it became more evident that I’d do well to waste time by only “dilly dallying!” 🙃

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I’ve used this Bob Dylan line before, but it feels apropos once again: “(S)he who ain’t busy being born is busy dyin’”.

To me I see more animation in your drawings of the Muses lately. Life? Stories to share? New aspects of our existence to encounter and learn from?

If your posts are not love letters, then I’ve never read one.


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I had a perusal of my watercolor collection — attempts since starting 3mm. The muses have had many incarnations. 😂 I hope I continue loosening the grip on my pencils, brushes, and keyboard, allowing, rather than forcing, them to shine.

My real joy is in reading a snippet here, having a conversation there, observing an animal or a person do something… and then attempting to weave it all into something that matters to someone else. Is that love? 💜

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“MusesIncarnations?” Just yesterday they were in Pansies+Windflowers+Geraniums! 🙃. Tongue firmly in cheek!

Character development and growing up/into their unique characters has been fun to watch as a reader. Your comment about your grip on pencil, brush, and keyboard reminded me (again, 😞) of a lyric by 38 Special: “Hold on loosely, But don’t let go. ‘Cause if you cling too tightly, you’re gonna lose control.” Well, perhaps a bit dramatic, but not too far off.

I’m reminded of our children growing up, until we finally know they are their own persons and we allow them their just due.

Can you imagine a grown up, independent Thalia? Not detached entirely yet not constrained by a tight grip on the brush? Or Calliope? No longer just the unifying, calming force she provides to the others, but charting her lifestyle. Her career? Urania at first glance seems well set to live her life, but at times she is more bound by her head than her heart! Would she learn to temper her head with a bit of heart? Will friendships come easy? Will harmony with co-workers be attainable if some resemble Tal more than Cal?

My fingers ache from this forced, “grippy” hold on the keyboard! And why bother with this conjecture? Because you have done just as you described today, with collecting and preserving ideas and experiences you’d like to share on the 3mm blog. So effectively so that my reading has been like watching them grow up. For you to have committed to the process of doing so can be nothing less than love! Knowing that makes me want to give you a big “noogie” to show you! 😁 💙 CURE!

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Now Tal is singing 38 Special song!

I’m delighted that your interpretation of muse personalities is very close to my own. 😊


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