“Ryyyyyyyt-ing,” Thalia grasps for a metaphor, “is liyyyk —”
After years of stretching, Nia is nimble, “like — cleaning a closet.”
“Trying on our thoughts… in front of a mirror,” Calliope makes the connection, “… and discarding those that no longer fit.”
Writing is an act of discovering what you think and what you believe.
~Daniel Pink
Pick up the pen and face yourself.
~Natalie Goldberg
A note from LoveLetterist:
One Line, One Love
When you unleash the writer within, you alter the trajectory of your life.
"It takes half of your life before you discover life is a do-it-yourself project."
~Napoleon Hill
What I have been shedding from my closet is a whole lotta advice that never fit me, along with purses full of rigid beliefs that blocked the zippers of “everything can be this — everything can be that” and “to everything there is a season.”
The sentimentals? I’m holding tight to many of those for now as they inform my values.