A note from LoveLetterist:

Here we go...

Into the wild!

(in other word, we're adventuring into the unknown)

Will you come along?

Thalia, Urania, Calliope, and LoveLetterist are inviting you to be our Fourth Muse.

What does that mean?

We're making room for you -- to make moves, to be seen and heard.

Today we invite you (and your courage) to name your muse.

You get to be creative!

Here's a link to explore: https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=the+muses+greek+mythology&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8

Will you level up?

Will you make a move?

Will you become the Fourth Muse?

Will you share your chosen muse name in the comments?

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My chosen name...Euterpe the muse of music and lyric poetry. :) GO GAIL GO!

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I went to investigate the pronunciation of Euterpe...


V. Cool!

Thank you for joining the fun. I can see this experiment growing into a book... or something more.

I keep reminding myself to take it one step at a time.

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LoveLetterist! I’ve just returned from a vast rabbit hole which I located via the URL link you furnished. Even the number of Muses was not constant. Ranging between 3 and 9 mostly. Poetry and music were skills prominently ascribed to Muses. Dastardly acts figured in too - The Sirens of Titan - to name but one. From what I could determine, gender reassignment would be my required first step. As I live in Florida that’s a step frowned on by State Authorities!

Would it be alright to assume some responsibilities in support of Three Muses Merge? Emptying & refilling water vessels for water color art? Dust Buster operation for clearing away eraser crumbs! “Studio Slave” for want of a gentler sounding classification. I promise I’ll be punctual.

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Interesting point on gender. This has me pondering because I would love for the Fourth Muse to be available to men and women -- I am not exclusive in my efforts.

Do you have any suggestions regarding how I might engender universal appeal?

Or... Does a female audience make sense at this point of 3mm's development?

As a long time male reader of 3mm, I'm very much interested in your thoughts.

As for Studio Assistance, my greatest need seems to be in the administrative assistant area. 😂

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Terpsichore - the muse of Dance considering I love to dance but don’t like to dance in front of people. But she can be the part of me who dances.

- the mother of the mermaids. I love the ocean!!! This can be me!!!

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Terpsichore is a wonderful choice Sharon. The muse of Dance. I know a twirler who'll go dancing with you. :)

What I love about the muses is that they have given me just enough space from Gail to grow into new ways of thinking, being, and doing.

Thank you for joining in the fun!

I can't wait to see where this experiment goes!

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