Feb 12, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

“When faces called flowers float out of the ground.” e.e. cummings So maybe the muses would like to take turns reading stanzas from cummings’ delightful ode to April! And leave the snow pants on a bit longer! The drawing seemed to depict snow and freezing rain. Not ideal tulip weather? The feel of numb legs, as essential to twirling, may pose complications for creating feelings of more than frostbite.

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

>>”I’m not so sure that it’s the tools, as it is the feelings the tools create.”

Yes! That new network analyzer software, that new digital multimeter (different folks, different tools). Or that old Craftsman variable-speed drill gifted by my father when I bought my first home (so he could buy a new cordless model w/o guilt) that still delivers just the right torque when the trigger is gently squeezed, even after 40 years.

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First, let me just say how much I enjoy these threads and comments!

As one who has more than once slid his glasses down his nose, just like Urania. I have also embraced the technology of a cordless drill with the effervescence of Thalia and the excitement of Calliope. However, the cordless drill is just a machine that only becomes a tool when used to serve its purpose and only completely effective in the skilled hands of its user.

BTW, in my opinion, drills make poor hammers and vice versa… 😊

Love me some gel pens though! And paint pens…No rock 🪨 is safe with a paint 🎨 pen 🖊 in my hands! 😂🤣😂

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