
A note from LoveLetterist:

This morning, when I read about the tree made of books (linked under today's image), I was struck by an awareness that I have written things... things with the potential to change lives.

So many authors have changed mine... coaxing blood to flow through a mind that's sometimes as hard as rock.

Whether one likes or hates them... my purpose here in this world is to nudge feeling, awareness, and thought through my stories.

This is no longer in question.

I can't think of anything I'd like to do more.

What is one story that colors how you see the world?

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Not exactly a story. Rather, a bumper sticker: “Life takes a toll; bring change.” For me, being able to seek change has made all the difference in my life. I continue to seek change.

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I recently read somewhere that God is change. Does he carry spare change?

Thinking of my friend Heraclitus and his changing river/changing (wo)man. 😁

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Do you interpret Heraclitus to mean an interaction, if not symbiosis, between humans and the natural world?

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Oh! I like this question very much.

A few years ago I found myself asking… myself, and perhaps a few others… As humans, aren’t we a part of nature?

My “big brain” currently concludes that we are. A very mysterious part of nature indeed!

And yes, I believe the I/Thou relationship extends to just about anything I (we) interact with… including trees, animals, and the metaphysical world of thought and ideas.

Our interactions are constantly shaping what happens next… with some assistance from our higher power.

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Here’s something from my friend Julia for reflection...

“Good timing! I was just outside sitting in one of my sit spots watching the warm orange ocean of fall Maple leaves quivering in the cool morning breeze. They wriggled and waved and seemed to acknowledge or even celebrate as one leaf after another was released into the air. So natural. I wondered if there was less oxygen to breathe when all the deciduous trees have released their leaves. Wondered if the southern hemisphere trees and plants pick up the slack - like a seasonal tag-team. That led to a pondering about the seasons; they seem like a breathing cycle... In the northern hemisphere, Fall is the exhale. The fallowness of Winter being the pause at the end of the exhale. Spring - the inhale, full of vibrant energy, and summer the pause between the inhale and exhale. In the southern hemisphere, there's a reciprocal thing going on.... hmmmm...”

~Julia Siporin 🤯

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I found myself "box breathing" through her description of the seasons. 😁

Thank you for sharing!

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That squares nicely with what Native Americans as well as other “First Peoples” call Great Spirit. A force present all around as well as in us. That is my sense of Higher Power.

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I recently signed up to receive articles from Nautilus. It is my understanding that the publication takes an I/Thou approach to science/art.

I just finished this article. You might find it interesting?


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I quoted “our” friend this morning on IG with my sunrise 🌄 picture! 🤯


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I saw that!!! 😁

I wonder how many times I’ve shared that quote?!

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While I first considered cacophony to describe this setting, I reconsidered and let myself feel the warmth from the studio. And plenty there is, owing in no small way to your conscious decision to follow a path of loving kindness toward others.

When I read Steinbeck’s quote I suddenly remembered a movie with Peter Sellers titled “The Mouse That Roared.” From 1959. I might seek it out, but I’m certain no actual mice roared. 😊

Might it be that someday someone will buy the copy of Poise with all the drawings? Or might you stash it in the stacks of a large library (like a stolen Rembrandt) to be found one day and auctioned off by Sotheby’s? I believe your plan will reveal itself some day soon.

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Cacophony is such a writerly word! 😁

Every time now I draw in a new book! There are currently 6 books with surprises in them. 🤭

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For... book shows at bookstores? For presents? For some jolly good artist practice? You often keep me guessing.

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I really don’t know the “for” yet. What I do know is that I’m drawn (haha!) to keep doing it. Not only is it practice, but also it gives me visuals for 3mm. And… as a reader, I’d be tickled to get a book with an author’s original drawing in it. 🤷‍♀️

Let us see what happens!

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Be organic. Be present.

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Doing my best!

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign. :)

I am being mindful not to “push” book 5. Ideas are trickling in and I’m jotting them down. It feels like a treasure hunt! Quite fun!

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My whole life has been a treasure hunt!

Who knew that one of the greatest prizes I might ever discover while “treasure hunting” would be a simple video about drawing and limiting beliefs on YouTube? 🤔

And of course there was my question that came from the talk...

“Could learning to draw be as easy as a commitment to learn?”


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