Thalia watches falling flakes and spies the empty tube feeder. There’s not a single flier in sight.
Nia adds Buy Birdseed to their list.
“Never underestimate…” Calliope pulls bacon from the fridge and cast iron from the cabinet, “… the power of an invitation… and food.”
A real conversation always contains an invitation. You are inviting another person to reveal herself or himself to you, to tell you who they are or what they want.
~David Whyte
The only man who is really free is the one who can turn down an invitation to dinner without giving an excuse.
~Jules Renard
A note from LoveLetterist:
Did you notice today's quotes quotes offer two sides of the invitation coin?
It reminds me that I can invite, and you can say, "No thank you."
One of the four agreements proposed by Don Miguel Ruiz is: Don't take anything personally.
Oh! And a few weeks ago I was part of a conversation about invitation/community on Clubhouse with my friend Elaine.
I invite you to listen, or decline. 🤭