Splendid postcard! Your initials on the postcard remind me of the imprint from a signet ring. Maybe in the future that could be part of book promotions and signings? 🤷🏽
I realized something from Tal’s responses today. She speaks from her heart. Honestly and vibrantly. Uninhibited. WYSIWYG. Her self-confidence reservoir is filled to overflowing.
I’m beginning to wonder if Nia is a bot, in need of much more training in human connecticating. Simply muttering “cute” - almost a criticism - signals a nearly empty “emotiveness” reservoir. She needs a hug!
Cal’s decision a while back to express herself and show a measure of confidence always delights me! I’m inclined to think she drew the whiskers on the cat to show her mettle. Maybe not ready for the entire night sky, yet wanting to leave her mark! What would she produce with a post card entirely just for her use?
And always dear to my heart LoveLetterist, you chose Van Gogh’s palette of blue and grey for this night sky! And executed same with a deft touch!
Do you think we, all your followers, could make contributions so Nia can attend connectication boot camp? Protest though she might, deep down she knows it would be a gift to her being. 😊
My friend Sharon's watercolor postcards have her "symbol" on them. I found it to be an intriguing addition so I started making one of my own. ;) I am an excellent nick-er.
Yes... Tal is a sweetheart and I love her much. She'd go off the rails without her pals, I'm afraid.
Nia -- say what you will, but I LOVE her just as she is. And Cal... well, she's a gem of harmony and thoughtfulness. Together I find the three of me to be a beautiful metaphor for life as I experience it. :)
Nia connects just fine... and I suspect there are many who resonate with her. She does not want... or need any hugs. 😂
When I tried out a Japanese-style paint program (it simulated painting with brushes on bamboo paper — it even forced you to "dip" your brush into the "inkwell" with "ink" you had mixed — the tutorial also walked me through the "signature" stamp that every artist (well, every Asian artist, apparently) has, and helped us design our own. The company that sold the program vanished back in the 20th Century, alas, but it was a fun program, even for someone like me with no artistic ability (Undo is our friend!).
You, Gail, could design your own artist stamp. I don't know if you can carve, or if you need to farm that out to someone with different skills. But then anyone who got your stamped artwork would know they have a Genuine Gail™ piece!
I think I carved once back in grade or middle school art class. 😁
Thank you for saying my work is worthy of a stamp. 💜 Yesterday I read a post here on Subsatck... I'll link it. What I felt and commented about is how the writer was writing from the heart about another writer who wrote from his heart about artists who performed from their hearts (Dolly Parton and Richard Pryor). I really don't know what qualifies as "quality" when it comes to "art". What I do know is that creating it feels fun and satisfying... it comes from my heart.
Is writing your favored creative activity? Gardening? Other things?
Writing is my happy creative place 💚
And it is clear to me that it comes… from your beautiful heart! ❤️
Read stories from Jack Herlocker on Medium: https://medium.com/@jherlocker
Splendid postcard! Your initials on the postcard remind me of the imprint from a signet ring. Maybe in the future that could be part of book promotions and signings? 🤷🏽
I realized something from Tal’s responses today. She speaks from her heart. Honestly and vibrantly. Uninhibited. WYSIWYG. Her self-confidence reservoir is filled to overflowing.
I’m beginning to wonder if Nia is a bot, in need of much more training in human connecticating. Simply muttering “cute” - almost a criticism - signals a nearly empty “emotiveness” reservoir. She needs a hug!
Cal’s decision a while back to express herself and show a measure of confidence always delights me! I’m inclined to think she drew the whiskers on the cat to show her mettle. Maybe not ready for the entire night sky, yet wanting to leave her mark! What would she produce with a post card entirely just for her use?
And always dear to my heart LoveLetterist, you chose Van Gogh’s palette of blue and grey for this night sky! And executed same with a deft touch!
Do you think we, all your followers, could make contributions so Nia can attend connectication boot camp? Protest though she might, deep down she knows it would be a gift to her being. 😊
My friend Sharon's watercolor postcards have her "symbol" on them. I found it to be an intriguing addition so I started making one of my own. ;) I am an excellent nick-er.
Yes... Tal is a sweetheart and I love her much. She'd go off the rails without her pals, I'm afraid.
Nia -- say what you will, but I LOVE her just as she is. And Cal... well, she's a gem of harmony and thoughtfulness. Together I find the three of me to be a beautiful metaphor for life as I experience it. :)
Nia connects just fine... and I suspect there are many who resonate with her. She does not want... or need any hugs. 😂
When I tried out a Japanese-style paint program (it simulated painting with brushes on bamboo paper — it even forced you to "dip" your brush into the "inkwell" with "ink" you had mixed — the tutorial also walked me through the "signature" stamp that every artist (well, every Asian artist, apparently) has, and helped us design our own. The company that sold the program vanished back in the 20th Century, alas, but it was a fun program, even for someone like me with no artistic ability (Undo is our friend!).
You, Gail, could design your own artist stamp. I don't know if you can carve, or if you need to farm that out to someone with different skills. But then anyone who got your stamped artwork would know they have a Genuine Gail™ piece!
I think I carved once back in grade or middle school art class. 😁
Thank you for saying my work is worthy of a stamp. 💜 Yesterday I read a post here on Subsatck... I'll link it. What I felt and commented about is how the writer was writing from the heart about another writer who wrote from his heart about artists who performed from their hearts (Dolly Parton and Richard Pryor). I really don't know what qualifies as "quality" when it comes to "art". What I do know is that creating it feels fun and satisfying... it comes from my heart.
Is writing your favored creative activity? Gardening? Other things?