Nią itches to pack away Christmas kitsch. She opens a fresh notebook and starts writing:
2024 GOA
Thalia’s octave rises above the treetops. “Noooooooooooooooo!”
Nia erases and begins again.
“That’s behhhh-tr!”
“Funny how a simple word shift…” Calliope watches a cardinal crack a sunflower shell, “… delivers… a different feeling.”
Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.
~Rudyard Kipling
If an egg is broken by outside forces, life ends.
If broken by inside force, life begins.
Great things always begin from inside.
A note from LoveLetterist:
I once watched a TED talk in which the speaker said something like, "Writing and drawing moves thought into action."
The Thalia part of me has long been reluctant to write out goals because... What if something new pops into our awareness and we want to switch gears. 🤔
She makes a valid argument, but...
we've reached a point,
where if we don't start planning,
we'll waste a whole lotta energy on what James Clear calls unfocused curiosity.
JC's 12/28 3-2-1 hit a lot of bullseyes for me.
You might find a gem or two for yourself?
The amateur does not know what to do.
The master knows what not to do.
~James Clear
Love the pictured frost on the berries et al. And the bonus doggie butt!
The “unknown” quote I had not heard before. Like it! 💚