Aug 1, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

Button: “There is a fine line between numerator and denominator. (Only a fraction of people will find this funny.)” 😁

I thought the passion flower was a new experiment in 3D artwork! It looks unworldly. Like a Star Trek prop. But this was growing on your deck, Gail? 😳

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Yes! A tropical flower in a pot on my deck. 😁

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

It looks very pretty. Our groundhogs would probably find them delicious. ☹️

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#Passion for the Passion Flower. It’s other worldly!

It is indeed wonder-full on a wonder-filled Sunday!

Have a wonderfully, wonder-full, wonder-filled, wondrous, day! Wooh… I wonder? 🤔😊🤔

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

Gail, I can’t say how glad I am that your final infusion cocktail hasn’t depleted your creativity! The depth of field for the Passion flower is remarkable.

I’m reminded of a “toy” we had as a child. A ViewMaster stereoscopic slide viewer. Our collection of discs mostly featured scenes from the Rockies. On the depth of field topic, one memorable view was of Morning Glory Pool from Yellowstone! The depth experienced with that device amazed me. Just as the Passion Flower did today.

I thought the pointillist paper was a nice complement to the overall work. With VOCES8 playing in the background! Bravo!

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Thank you! 😊

Grateful to feel well enough to create! The Passion Flower plant is a fun experiment. It has grown a lot and is reaching to the left, the right, and toward the sky!

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

Is part of the experiment about phototropism? ⬅️➡️ as a product of pictures taken at different times of day?

I imagined you making a slit in this drawing, concealed by the flower itself, for the effect I’m admiring?!

Do you play poker? Aces up the sleeve of your blouse? 🤔 Know when to hold ‘em.

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Phototropism: The orientation of a plant in response to light!

Not a phototropism experiment — I simply wanted to see if the plant would grow in a pot on my deck! 😂 The trellis I put in the pot is not nearly tall enough to satisfy the plants reach so it is sending tendrils along the deck rails now.

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