
Muses? It’s me… Typist. What you might have mentioned is that “art and passion” is so much bigger than drawing, painting, writing, or playing the piano. Art is fishing, caring for animals, fixing teeth, selling food, mowing lawn, remodeling a kitchen… Art is an attitude. Art is embracing what you love doing and sharing it with others.

At least that’s my two cents! 😊

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

With rising inflation rates, I’d counter “three cents.”

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Haha! Yes… three muses, three cents.

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

Ah, the Thalia we all know and love. A dab here, a dot there, and there! Elephants must know how to tiptoe if they’ve been waiting that long.

I very much liked the ending remark by Ludwig van Beethoven. After he became entirely deaf, he communicated with friends by passing written messages back and forth. I almost said “notes.” In fact that’s what he did for us. Using the secrets of his art, and knowledge, he passed notes to us. A true blessing.

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Hmmm… Thalia is contemplating how we might draw a tiptoeing elephant. 😂

Ahh yes! A true blessing. I find myself musing about all of the wisdom and awareness in my beloved quotes. How’d they know that back then??? I wonder.

I am wonder-filled and grateful. 😊

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

How to draw? Boldly!

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