
A note from LoveLetterist:

Thalia's pocket is a metaphor for my head. This morning I stuffed in so much (including a video about 'cow saviors' in India 🙄), I thought I might explode. Calliope took us away from the computer and telephone. Nia reminded us that we are not here to fix the world. The world is here to fix us. And... Here we are... focusing on what is within our control. 🙌🏻

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

I see the importance of "cow saviors" in India. The are, afterall, sacred! As for pocket stuffing, as a young 'un I used to cram all sorts of stones in my pockets for my collection. Hastening the holes that quickly formed.

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I won’t even get into what I watched. There is a reason I don’t watch the news… This video was reminiscent of a news story. It was fascinating to watch the feelings that came to my surface… and how I executed a timely about face.

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