
A note from LoveLetterist:

If I remember correctly, the first place I came across the idea of living for one's eulogy over one's resume was in The Social Animal by David Brooks. I find the book to be brilliant weave of fiction and non-fiction... creative excellence.


Curious about the social sciences?

You might want to investigate Brooks' book.

*And a note from Thalia: Pleeeez note that Amazon reviews and social media shaaaaar-zzz of POISE are welcome and appreciated! Our friend Karen asked her local li-braaay-reee to bring in a copy. THEY SAID YAHHHHHHHHS!

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Thank you for the reminder here Gail! I would love to write a review for Poise and I just finished Wandering Words. (of wisdom) I would love to add! :) Thank you.

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Thank you Julie!

In the last day or so, our friend Jason over at Weirdo Poetry wrote about being perceived as “pretentious”.

I’m attempting to set that concern aside… or at least re-frame it as quietly confident. 😂


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I enjoyed reading Jason's post thank you for directing me to his substack.

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