
A note from LoveLetterist:

The song link under today's image reminds me of my agency.

I can choose to listen to songs about rain


I can walk toward the light.

There's a rhythm for both paths.

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Feb 4Liked by 3musesmerge

Choice or no, listening to actual rain is on today’s plate. Next will be an omelette on my plate for breakfast. Strategically placed cake candles can be the light that we eat by?

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Loveletterist raises her hand.

“Pick me? Pick me!”

I want to put that description on my next “about” page. 🤭

Gail is a strategically placed cake candle.

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Feb 4Liked by 3musesmerge

If not a Roman candle!

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Feb 4Liked by 3musesmerge

Sparkler??? 🎶🎵🪗

“How do you solve a problem

Like Gail Boenning?

How do you catch a wave and pin it down?

A flibberty gibbit a will-o-the wisp

A clown.”

Our mutual liking of The Sound of Music comes as no surprise…

Happy Days!

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Today has started like a sparkler! 🎇

Mind-of-Curiodity Elaine is in town visiting her son. We met for coffee. We marveled at how technology enabled us to meet and to build a friendship/partnership. 😁

Our meeting location made it a no-brainer that I stop and stock up on fun try-it foods from Trader Joe’s. I don’t usually go to that area and was glad for the opportunity.

Ahhh! The Sound of Music. I’m just off a telephone call with my friend Chris who introduced me to the film when I was on college.

The sun is shining.

It’s a rainbow trout kind of day.

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Feb 4Liked by 3musesmerge

Good morning, LoveLetterist! Seeing your painting today stirred my thoughts. Did Cal and Henny hit the road? From her umbrella to her rain boots she’s well prepared. Henny? Waterproof as a mallard duck!

The title of Gary Allen’s song is a good fit to both of the quotes you ended with. Of the two observations, Ludwig van Beethoven’s seems illustrative of the path you’ve chosen for development, growth, of mind, body, and spirit. AmIright? 😊

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I have had day dreams about road tripping with Henny. I wonder how that would go?! When we went to the kid’s graduation in December she came with us and was a good traveler, a patient waiter, and a good sport about little time to explore because it was raining.

Yes. I believe you’re right.

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Feb 4Liked by 3musesmerge

You prompted a memory from my college days, 1967-1971. Hitchhiking was embraced by both butchers and drivers. Not suggesting that would be your means of travel. 🤭 A large part of the Woodstock fandom hitchhiked. No car, no car insurance, no gas. And no reports I remember of grisly outcomes. Almost like our lack of such information itself warded off such events? Spacey hippie talk. 🤷🏽

I don’t believe dismissing the notion out of hand is required. You’ve developed relationships from 3MM and so many more affiliations that it seems with modest planning you’d have a great time!

Personalized post cards on which you present one or more time slots that could serve this purpose. You’d know the general itinerary for where you’d go, and with simple swaps - here for #1; there for #2; oops this needs to become #2 and #2 can become #3. I’m sure I don’t need to “paint you a picture” on that! 🤣

Or, purchasing a small camper trailer to allow more autonomy. I’ve seen some models that scream, “Buy me, Buy me.” Enjoy the trip with one, avoid eye popping lodging costs, and sell when you finish. Or, you might not be ready to finish?! Picture yourself camped where a nice view is possible. The Pacific Ocean? Sunrises over the Mojave Desert? Near Mt. Rushmore?

Wounded Knee? Places Ansel Adams captured in his fabulous black and white photos? Mount Saint Helens?

Writing of people and experiences you enjoyed along the way - even possible guests for “One Word One Sentence” with Jay? (I likely discombobulated the actual title😔).

Water the seeds once in a while. Feed when indicated.

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One Line, One Love Mate!

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Feb 5Liked by 3musesmerge

I considered backtracking for the actual title but feared it would take an indeterminant amount of time to do so. Feeling certain you would know, I punted. At the same time that was a poor/nonexistent attempt to help you and Jay on this new adventure.

I’ll do much better on my next reference to “One Line. One Love.”

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