
A note from Loveletterist:

I spent yesterday afternoon shampooing carpets. Perhaps not not everyone's idea of fun (including me) and yet -- Oh! What a feeling! when the job was done.

Is there something you're avoiding that you can clean up? With a feeling of empowerment?

This morning over on Clubhouse Elaine Pardi and I conversed with the Curiosity Crew about relationship, environment, and the energy we put out and receive. Here's a link to the 35 minute replay: https://www.clubhouse.com/room/M61AayRo?utm_medium=ch_room_xr&utm_campaign=3MKslrpXVNhSycVUAFAWvQ-883180

Instagram video breadcrumb...


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Sep 6, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

This doesn’t quite rank with carpet shampooing, still a recent undertaking has really brightened our home! No, no windows were washed. Go Nia! Our recent tree removal has provided vastly more daylight through our skylights! The kitchen and master bath in particular. Almost what Loveletterist described as the benefit of “moving a muscle.” Windows await my attention.

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When I see cabins in the woods surrounded by trees and darkness, I recognize that is not a place for me. Give me lots of windows and lots of light!

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Sep 6, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

Beth is very much that way, too. Many years ago I performed work for a day school. Summer was the busiest and some tasks too lots of effort. Part of the effort one summer involved removal of old ceiling tiles and replacement with sheetrock ceilings. The buildings were surrounded by trees! A teacher asked if I could suggest a way to lighten the interiors without exposed, institutional fluorescent light? Magic! I created large areas I’ll call light wells. Translucent panels flush with the sheetrock concealed fluorescent lights I mounted to an area of raised ceiling. “Daylight” wavelength bulbs were used in the fixtures. I was nominated as the miracle worker by the teachers who used those classrooms. Let there be light!

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Sep 6, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

Loveletterist, as one who taps the keys many times a day, what measures do you take to check the accuracy of Web addresses? Seeing the character strings after www.clubhouse.com and after your video breadcrumb, how do you spot “typos?” Spell check functions don’t seem to offer much value. Do you have “addresses” for such spots among your contacts? Or a grey parrot that recites them as you type?

On another topic, I see once again Nia’s “criticizayer” hard at work. I believe if she had the responsibility for supervising 20 or even 9 associates in a work setting (think Gen Z), she’d blow a gasket!

I’m not sure if her comment, “Our surroundings affect how we feel” referred to the pre-cleaning status of the studio - collaging, watercoloring, mixed media projects - or if she has decided to be the resident critic? That may require a new LoveLetter title: Two Muses Merge, And One Bails Ship? That didn’t roll off my tongue!

Ice cream works wonders! One scoop or two? On the house! Just not on the carpet. 😳

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Now I am wondering if the link worked. Did it? I don't look for typos because I simply open the replay and then copy the address using magical computer wizardry... then post it here.

Interesting. I do not perceive Nia's comments as critical today. 🤔 From the entire gang's perspective, too much time passed in between carpet cleanings thanks to the interloper C. She's the one who's brave enough to call it like she sees it. She's also speaks a truth for us regarding environment. We simply feel better when things are tidy. 🤷🏻‍♀️

We at 3mm want/need all of us to show up as our true selves. That's what makes our music.

P.S. I was thinking of an article I recently saw about the biggest ocean plastic clean-up on record happening recently. Reason. emotion, harmony... we need them all. And if people would stop throwing plastic into the ocean, that'd help, too.

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Sep 6, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

Nia’s clearing her throat, followed by “Long overdue,” struck me as judgmental. As if it wasn’t her responsibility? Of course you play a critical part making sure all the components for carpet cleaning are on hand. The very thing you’d want to tackle a few days after an infusion. 🙃

Links? I didn’t try the one from this morning’s gathering. I did play the earlier one without a hitch. The magic of highlight, click to copy, then click to paste? For web addresses. (The bats in my belfry are more numerous than usual...)

Paper mills used to treat rivers as self-flushing toilets for their harmful byproducts. Now, the oceans have taken over the task for garbage disposal. 😱 I fantasize about enforcers, hovering in the sky above beaches, shouting at the plastic tossers, threatening them with a toss to the great white sharks (hovering off the beaches!) if the plastic doesn’t get picked up and placed in a proper place! Yes, yes, the lawsuits would quickly follow for the enforcer’s messages “making them feel bad.” A troubling lack of environmental concern! 😔 Tell Nia I’m sorry for misinterpreting her words. 🙏🏽

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Hardest on herself, that one. 😂

Your “making them feel bad” comment is synchronous! In a conversation this morning something being said had me thinking about a positive side to shame. I can still remember my mother saying … “Shame on you Gail Lynn!” In part… does that feeling contribute to making choices that keep us from acting on selfish motivations?

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Sep 6, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

You and I would quickly nod our heads Yes on parents saying “Shame on you!” being a way to help us choose more wisely in future situations.

In present times I’d guess respect for and obedience of parents isn’t as easily achieved. In the process children unknowingly fail to benefit from their parents’ years of experience. Perhaps another model for the collapse of civilization? At least don’t give them plastic near the beach! 😉

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