Sep 3, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

Button: “What are the strongest days? Saturday and Sunday — the rest are weekdays” 😁

Fractals are delightful! And you don't have to do the math yourself, you can get someone else to do the work and just enjoy the results!


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weak/week… homophones 😃

Limited research shows more potential with visuals than text, although I did come across and article that talked about fractals in language. Mostly — I could not understand what they were talking about. 🤷‍♀️

Maybe we’ll shift from fractals to acronyms like KISS… keep it simple stupid. 😂

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Make it fun!

Good! Great! The muses are on it. 😃

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

Thought provoking! I’m fascinated by the expressed notion of tying fractals to Book Four?! For now, the farmers’ market sounds doable... 🙃

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I came home with mushrooms, beets, cabbage, and cucumbers.

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

I wonder if artichokes' petals (?) are arranged fractally?

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They are!

Check this out:


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Very interesting article. And for me and being pulled in a direction. I still question myself and this writing direction. Is writing fiction where I'm supposed to go? I enjoy it but do people read fiction anymore? I have come across many fiction writers out there, but here on Substack, the majority write in a way that includes personal life or how to newsletters. I find my personal life to be boring so I write fiction.

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Hmmm… I’m a big believer in “follow the energy.” Does writing fiction energize you? When you do it, does it feel like prayer? Do you lose track of time? Everything else falls away?

Our friend Bobby shared a link to this commencement speech with me. Maybe it will have value for you? It did for me!


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Wow, thank you for sharing that Gail. I'm a huge fan of M. Night Shyamalan so that really touched base with me.

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Not sure if you’re familiar with this Japanese philosophy, but I personally believe it to be the secret to everlasting joy.

Not that we won’t still face challenges and obstacles, we will, because frankly they are what give life meaning in my opinion…

Life is just much easier when we wake up excited to greet it!

I hope you find some value in the article.


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Bobby that article is very helpful, thank you for sharing it.

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My pleasure 😊

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“Examples in nature: sea star, corals, hedgehogs, broccoli, sunflowers, artichokes, pinecones coastlines, mountain ranges, and snowflakes.” TY Typist!

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