“The mahhh-jik —” Thalia recalls their first experience with an amaryllis bulb, “never happened.”
“Leaves.” Nia remembers the bulb in a box, “No flower.”
“But… We tried again…” Calliope caps her marker, “… and were gifted a bloom.”
God has made it a rule for Himself that He won’t alter people’s character by force. He can and will alter them — but only if the people will let him.
~C.S. Lewis
A note from LoveLetterist:
This morning I reflected on my small role in a local performance of It's a Wonderful Life.
The year was 2013 and I saw an advertisement regarding auditions on a local bank board.
The idea of trying wouldn't leave me alone... and so I did.
The step was rewarded with the tiny part of Ma Bailey.
'Twas a confidence builder making way for one tiny step after another.
When we open,
dig the hole,
create the space...
Grace enters.
What a decorative display! An amaryllis as a backdrop for your own art this morning. Joy shared is joy doubled! And the song/video you linked was a dandy. I was reminded of the proclamation, “Ladies and gentlemen. Start your engines!”
Two messages I took from your post are perseverance, and live in the present moment. Rehashing a lament about the first bulb not blooming does naught to make it bloom. (Long since compost?) Renewing your efforts attained the desired outcome.
C.S. Lewis sized up human nature with precision. Thanks for the messages today, LoveLetterist!