Scanning their scene for inspiration, Thalia notices the moon through studio’s window and gets crack-a-lackin’ with her tools.
“What phase —” Nia turns to the internet, “Ahhhh, waning gibbous. Are moon phases — supposed to be capitalized?”
Calliope poses a question. “Have girl and dog become… our 3mm signature?”
If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor.
~Albert Einstein
Create your own visual style… let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others.
~Orson Welles
A note from LoveLetterist:
Do you know what's interesting?
The trio and I didn't so much choose girl and dog,
as they chose us.
We'll stick with them for now.
Any thoughts?
Seeing Tal and Henny pondering today’s art, I thought of old and new. The moon, in today’s waning attire, as today as possible. What’s old? The gigantic megaliths of Stonehenge. Older than the pyramids. Let me concede the moon’s age as greater than this day. Beyond the Big Bang, but well before Stonehenge.
I like both quotes today, Gail. I picture your studio having a file drawer sized storage compartment, and a carnival-like grabber to select the day’s quotes. Not hand operated of course. Instead directed by heart and soul of LoveLetterist as she offers outlooks and prospects for the new day.