Mirth-filled fingers shape freshly shorn fringe. “Re-memm-bur that sign? When we lived and walked in the city —?”
Nia pulls an image of a small salon with huge front windows from her mind’s filing cabinet. “I am a beautician, not a magician.”
“I think we’ve been truly blessed…” Cal brushes wildflower dust from her palm, “with stylists who are both… yes, and!”
Even geniuses can get things wrong.
Look at Einstein’s unfortunate choice of a hairdresser.
~ Joss Stirling
In Poise there is a chapter about my stylist who made space in her schedule to shave my head ASAP when I texted to let her know my hair had started to drop out in clumps.
I'm so glad to be back on her regular schedule.
She is a magician for my hair, my heart, and my soul.
And here is a fun, quick read: