
A note from LoveLetterist:

I feel joy in lengthening daylight.

Like a mailman who sets out in rain, sleet, and snow... Henrietta and I cap the beginning and end of our days with a neighborhood walk.

I often don't WANT to go.

It's cold, and dark.

The recliner and Netflix allure.

"Wait... we'll be back in 20 minutes," I wink, "Gotta honor myself and Hen first."

Not only do we have habits of doing, we have habits of thinking.

We MUST use our tools, like spoonfuls of sugar, to keep going, keep growing.

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I cannot wait for my body to heal to be able to walk Finn again! Then it will and I will complain about the weather😂

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Looking forward to stories of your adventures with Finn!

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Are you provoking me intentionally? Did I ever tell you that I shared a locker with Wilt Chamberlain? I had the lower portion!

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A hall locker? Basketball team locker?

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Besides my first and last name initials? I'll let Gail explain if she chooses to. She captured the concept and initials. My role is to live up to the moniker as best I can.

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I once came across the concept of Benevolent Provocation — intentionally putting pebbles in the shoes of our fellows so that they might puzzle, think, grow, and continue the climb toward their highest potential. One never knows for sure where a question or new idea might lead. To have one’s beliefs and ideals challenged consistently builds strong character and (wo) men who can embrace multitudes.

BP (and you Gary!) continue to guide me toward the canopy.

Thank you!

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I like the "provocateur" but am less enthused about the "benevolent" tag.

My evil twin "Colin" dislikes it immensely. It turns out that questions that evoke learning, sharing, and human connection are always benevolent provocations.

All that said "you can only bestow a benefit on a willing recipient"

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Anybody who is willing to challenge me is giving me a gift. To me that fits the definition of benevolence.

That said… it was you who first called my attention to the Tower of Babel. Benevolent might mean something completely different to you than it does to me.

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Why do you believe any of that dumb stuff I send your way? Most of it is made up or a story I tell myself to pretend or feed the illusion of "me"

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Oh! The locker was at Camden Convention Center where the Warriors Phila. basketball version was playing the Los Angeles Lakers, (led by Jerry West and Elgin Baylor). My high school team was playing in the preliminary game. There was only one locker room and one set of lockers. Hence the share. In those days it wasn't such a big deal. Hindsight sometimes magnifies.

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Is it my turn? 😁

I get to be the BP?

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Your light was already on.... and maybe now shining more brightly as amplified and combined. Got the pick up Max... enjoy! '

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Happy Saturday!

Always a pleasure to have you here.

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“Everything is habit-forming, so make sure what you do is what you want to be doing.”

~Wilt Chamberlain

John Dryden famously said, “We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.”

Here’s to habits by design rather than default!


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One of the most useful questions I ever encountered comes from habit-guy James Clear.

In essence it asks us to ask ourselves if the story running in our mind serves us. If not, it’s time to start writing a new one?

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Total truth and I am definitely on the James Clear Habit Train!

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Thalia seemed awed in today’s art. Henny? “I’m certain that’s not the waning moon, gibbous or otherwise!” The twinkling stars and shades of blue screamed, “Starry, Starry Night” by Don McLean! Except not.

Next the caption: into the wild. My thoughts quickly shifted the mood to menacing. The movie about the young man who struck out on his own to Alaska. It didn’t end well. So of course listening to the linked song and what Tal was humming brushed the fog away.

One question: Are the coyote howls from near or far away? Do you or Henny have a good handle on wolf howls? 😳

Wilt’s observation echoes the wisdom of another saying: “If you keep on doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep on getting what you’re getting.”

Thanks for the hand to get me out of my fog this morning. May your day grow ever brighter!

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So “girl” in your mind is Thalia. Interesting!

Today she’s wearing a realistic blue-hooded windbreaker that was the kid’s in grade school. Now it’s mine and I love it!

Despite the ending, I really liked the movie Into the Wild. I liked Christopher McCandless’ choice to live life on his terms.

Coyotes are near. They scatter scat evidence about the yard. I am not fearful.

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So, “girl” with Henny in ClicktoComic” is you, from what you just said. The longish hair in part is why I thought Tal. Girl’s energy to wonder and be with Henny, taking in the outdoors, (yes that could well be you) is more Tal than either of the other two Muses. I may have defaulted to you wearing the LoveLetterist hat while planning, illustrating, and describing the action.

Assumptions. 😔

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We’re a three in one model. I’m the outward representation of the trio? 😁

Pig and ponytails appeal to me visually. Artistic license? It takes a certain kind to pull off a pixie cut?

Hope your Saturday is grand!

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