Henny stepped on a nest of ground bees. I'm aware she was stung at least twice. She's a sensitive girl and this really threw her for a loop. Fifteen hours later she's still... skittish. We did give her an antihistamine after the incident... then pretty much let her be when she made it clear she was uninterested in comforting. She curled up in a corner of the basement on the cement floor. 🤷🏻♀️
This morning she got a trip to the dog park and a swim in the park pond.
Your art so reminded me of my honey bee learning lesson around age 4.
Mom always hung out laundry in fair weather. As I was not in school yet, she’d have me tag along to the clothesline. She’d place a blanket on the lawn near her watchful eye. One day the spot was close to a patch of clover, and behold, laden with honeybees! It seemed necessary to pick them up for a closer look.
You’re right! The bees expressed their disinterest immediately. Sobbing from that experience, mom stopped, examined my hand, and then got tweezers to get the stinger. She asked how that happened and I said I was looking at the bees.
Hard headed as you well know, I had to try again. Yup! Repeat performance. After pulling out the second stinger, the questions became more focussed. I stated my intent: “I want them to be my friend.”
Now I can appreciate the meaning of,
“Never smile at a crocodile
No you can’t get friendly with a crocodile
Don’t be taken in by his friendly grin
He’s imagining how well you’ll fit inside his skin.
I was “without a mission” that day on the blanket. I believe the saying also reflected my German-Dutch ancestry’s insistence on hard work and no time for recreation. That was what church was for!🤷🏽 Singing hymns? Shaking hands with the pastor as we exited? Sitting rigidly upright in hard oak pews?
Exactly that! I’ve accumulated all sorts of bird and bee and flower images throughout my adult life. Fascinated by intricate details of their anatomy and botany. I just learned recently about birds that fly several thousand mile migrations do so while sleeping!😳 I assume they begin well fed. I think this interest explains part of my sense of oneness with the natural world.
Hiking, hunting, and fishing with my father offered an immersive introduction. Later, back packing in National and state parks increased my sense of wonder, and oneness, with the wilds of nature. If you will, living out a love affair with nature?
Poor Henny! Going along, minding her own business (well, for the most part, mostly) when suddenly there is PAIN PAIN PAIN and she didn’t DO ANYTHING and it’s NOT FAIR and the world sucks go away go away go away... 💚💚💚
A note from Loveletterist:
Henny stepped on a nest of ground bees. I'm aware she was stung at least twice. She's a sensitive girl and this really threw her for a loop. Fifteen hours later she's still... skittish. We did give her an antihistamine after the incident... then pretty much let her be when she made it clear she was uninterested in comforting. She curled up in a corner of the basement on the cement floor. 🤷🏻♀️
This morning she got a trip to the dog park and a swim in the park pond.
She's coming around... in her own way and time.
Awe, feel better Henny. Those nasty bees can pack a punch sometimes.
She’s fully recovered and back to doing the things she loves (chasing rabbits!) best.
That's good to hear. just watch out for Bunnicula. https://www.amazon.com/Bunnicula-Rabbit-Tale-Mystery-Deborah-Howe/dp/1416928170/ref=asc_df_1416928170/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312655151667&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16744825279288282770&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9011520&hvtargid=pla-450830624345&psc=1
I ordered it! 👍🏻
Have you ever heard of it before? My sister said she used to read it back in the day.
Maybe heard of it… never read it.
The series I traveled with the kid were… Magic Tree House, Guardians of GaHoole(sp?), Wolves of the Beyond, Nate the Great.
My childhood favorites included Ramona the Pest and Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.
A cool corner of the basement floor?
Your art so reminded me of my honey bee learning lesson around age 4.
Mom always hung out laundry in fair weather. As I was not in school yet, she’d have me tag along to the clothesline. She’d place a blanket on the lawn near her watchful eye. One day the spot was close to a patch of clover, and behold, laden with honeybees! It seemed necessary to pick them up for a closer look.
You’re right! The bees expressed their disinterest immediately. Sobbing from that experience, mom stopped, examined my hand, and then got tweezers to get the stinger. She asked how that happened and I said I was looking at the bees.
Hard headed as you well know, I had to try again. Yup! Repeat performance. After pulling out the second stinger, the questions became more focussed. I stated my intent: “I want them to be my friend.”
Now I can appreciate the meaning of,
“Never smile at a crocodile
No you can’t get friendly with a crocodile
Don’t be taken in by his friendly grin
He’s imagining how well you’ll fit inside his skin.
Ground bees? Ditto.
The curiosity of a 4 year old!
Thank you for putting forth a lesson my mind was not focusing on… about the crocodile.
My big take-away had to do with not forcing myself into Henny’s discomfort. She set a clear boundary and I yielded to it.
Reminds me of being “stung” by Covid at Christmas. All I wanted was to be left alone. 🤷♀️
Not unlike the honeybees!
I heard more than once growing up: “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop!”
I’ve heard that too!
Can you say more about how you see the phrase applying here? I can take it in a number of directions!
I was “without a mission” that day on the blanket. I believe the saying also reflected my German-Dutch ancestry’s insistence on hard work and no time for recreation. That was what church was for!🤷🏽 Singing hymns? Shaking hands with the pastor as we exited? Sitting rigidly upright in hard oak pews?
Ahhh! Without a mission. Was your mission curiosity and engaging with life? Sounds like delicious work for a four (or forty!) year old. 😁
Exactly that! I’ve accumulated all sorts of bird and bee and flower images throughout my adult life. Fascinated by intricate details of their anatomy and botany. I just learned recently about birds that fly several thousand mile migrations do so while sleeping!😳 I assume they begin well fed. I think this interest explains part of my sense of oneness with the natural world.
Hiking, hunting, and fishing with my father offered an immersive introduction. Later, back packing in National and state parks increased my sense of wonder, and oneness, with the wilds of nature. If you will, living out a love affair with nature?
Poor Henny! Going along, minding her own business (well, for the most part, mostly) when suddenly there is PAIN PAIN PAIN and she didn’t DO ANYTHING and it’s NOT FAIR and the world sucks go away go away go away... 💚💚💚
“Self-awareness makes situational awareness possible.”
~ Loveletterist
I like this quote!
I believe everything begins with awareness...
I became aware of 🐝 bees at an early age as well...