With a wad of paper towel, Cal mopped up coffee she’d spilled. After clearing her throat she squeaked, “Do we have to?”
“Yes.” Nia wasn’t leaping about the idea either — and yet she knew what needed to be done.
“It’ll be funnnnn!” Thalia transformed anxious into awesome. “First we get to go to The Bread Pedalers — and then — offffffffff to the clinic to share cranberry walnut and salted caraway rye with our caregivers! An expression of gratitude — with a side of gentle elbow — to inspire returns for our collaboration call!”
So, what’s a nudge? A nudge is some small feature of the environment that attracts our attention and alters our behavior.
~ Richard Thaler
Jack Herlocker -- The muse's version of East meets Midwest. 😂
Nice nudge quote to go with the gentle elbow. Today's nudge will be to try out a self-reinforcing nudge. Now, it's time for some coffee and to figure what on earth a self-reinforcing nudge is.