“Maaaaa-reee,” Thalia lights the lights, “Chrihhh-st-mah-sss!”
Nia notes a golden thread in the photo. “Odd — I didn’t see that with my naked eyes.”
“We miss a lot…” Calliope sighs, “… when we don’t pay attention.”
Faith is a living, daring confidence in God’s grace, so sure and certain that a man could stake his life on it a thousand times.
~Martin Luther
A note from Loveletterist:
We stood in the vestibule waiting
for the rest of our party.
In the space of five minutes,
ample seating disappeared under a sea of humanity.
Several among us
chose folding chairs in the vestibule
where I saw...
an elderly couple
with thinning hair and easy smiles.
The woman
with the voice of an angel
(and no fear in using it)
while many around her
remained silent.
A mother of three
carried an infant in a car seat.
Her concern so great
for others who stood
pulled her extensions close
to make room.
Often we want to be
somewhere we are not
when we're exactly
Merry Christmas to you and the muses, Gail! Oh yes, and to the guys in your life, too. ❤️