”What’s up with Drawist and babies?” Urania wondered what was on the baby’s shoulder. A birthmark? A cape? She was pretty sure the blue stuff was a satin trimmed blanket.
“Shadowing… Nią. The gray area is… Ummm… shadowing with a charcoal pencil… gone awry.” Calliope un-crossed and re-crossed her legs. “Birthmark was a good guess though.”
“Smiling, tongue-out babies are waaaahhhhn-der-full,” Tal trilled. “Almost as wonderful as going to the dentist expecting Novocaine and drilling only to be told, ‘Nah… It’s fine. We’ll just keep an eye on it.’”
“Or… Having a young male cart collector at the grocery… take the time to tell a middle-aged baldy… that her outfit looks nice.”
“And!” Nia wore a grin almost as adorable as the baby pictured above. “Receiving a call from an old friend who we haven’t talked to in years. Can you believe she’s joined our 3mm family? And called to tell Typist how much she enjoys our love letters? Wonder-full indeed.”
Words from Typist:
Sharing a favorite passage from The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron:
Easy peasy.
The hardest part is “not helping” while I’m adjusted to a just-right position on the table. A robot-like machine softly clicks while it holds two separate positions, one above, and another on the right side of my torso. The whole procedure takes about ten minutes.
I was told that for many, the side effects of skin irritation and/or fatigue do not present until after ten treatments. Fifteen more to go!
Hopefully they've mentioned good skin lotion. You will probably feel like you've been sunburned. I'm betting you'll do this like a champion!
Desk sign: “I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain this to you.” 😁
(I thought this would have been appropriate when I did tech support, while Deb thought it would be appropriate for her desk when she worked in the president's office at a university.)
The baby is cute! Too early to be thinking grandmotherly thoughts, I hope?